Permissions By Solutions

Candace Estelle
Candace Estelle
  • Updated


Heavy user

Regular user

Light user

  • Manage brands - Allows users to create, delete, and modify {{brands}}.

  • XML import (if available) - Allows users to import XML

  • Export metadata CSV file on download - Allows users to export and download the asset metadata to a CSV file.

  • Show all assets as watermarked - Displays all assets as watermarked (set it for specific user profiles).

Asset Management

Heavy user

Regular user

Light user

    • Edit hidden metaproperties on assets- Allows users to edit metaproperties that are hidden.


Heavy user

Regular user

Light user

  • View assets for all brands - Allows users to view assets for all brands.


Heavy user

Regular user

Light user

  • Access to collections published online -Allows users to view the Public Collections Tab in the Collections overview.

  • Create collections - Allows users to create collections from assets.

  • Transfer collection ownership - Allows users to transfer the ownership of a collection.

Content Customization

Heavy user

Regular user

Light user

  • Manage content customization - This permission is necessary for maintenance by Bynder and shouldn't be enabled for admin and user profiles.



Heavy user

Regular user

Light user

  • Restrict access to the dashboard - Hides the dashboard/homepage for users.


Heavy user

Regular user

Light user



Heavy user

Regular user

Light user



Heavy user

Regular user

Light user

  • Create general asset bank filters - Allows users to create general Asset Bank filters for portal-wide usage.

  • Share assets - Allows users to share assets.

  • Create personal asset bank filters -This allows users to create and share their personal Asset Bank filters.

  • Share assets with user groups - Allows users to share assets with user groups.

  • Access to Bynder Express - Allows users to share files using the Bynder Express.

  • View personal transfer history - This allows users to view their Bynder Express transfer history.

  • View transfer history from others - Allows users to view the Bynder Express transfer history from others.

  • Manage 'require login' on shares - Allows users to ensure that only logged-in users can access their share.

System Admin

Heavy user

Regular user

Light user

  • Manage the look & feel of the portal -Allows users to change the background of the login page and the logo.

  • Create Bynder API tokens - Allows users to create API tokens.

  • View Bynder API tokens - Allows users to view API credentials.

  • Revoke Bynder API tokens - Allows users to revoke API credentials.

  • Manage portal settings - Allows users to access portal settings.

  • Restore removed assets- Allows users to restore deleted assets.

  • Restore removed metaproperties - Allows users to restore deleted metaproperties.

  • Restore removed metaproperty options - Allows users to restore deleted metaproperty options.

  • Manage OAuth apps -Allows users to manage OAuth apps.

  • Manage Bynder permanent API tokens - Allows users to manage permanent API tokens.



Heavy user

Regular user

Light user


Users and Permissions

Heavy user

Regular user

Light user


Waiting Room

Heavy user

Regular user

Light user

  • Audit quarantined assets - Allow users the ability to audit quarantined assets in Waiting room or Quarantine section


Heavy user

Regular user

Light user

  • Create template account variables - Users can add account variables for Asset Workflow templates.

  • Delete template account variables - This allows users to remove variables.

  • View template account variable - Allows users to view the account variable overview.

  • Create account variable options - Users can add variable options in Asset Workflow templates.

  • Delete account variable options - Allows users to remove variable options in variables.

  • Get all available workflowpermissions- Allows users to get all the permissions available in the Asset Workflow.


Not Applicable


Heavy user

Regular user

Light user

  • Delete all annotations - This allows users to remove any annotation in Asset Workflow.

  • Manage all annotations - This allows users to edit any annotation in Asset Workflow.

  • Create private annotations - Allows users to add a private annotation

  • Approve asset - Allows users to approve Asset Workflow assets. (A User must have "ApproveJob" permission enabled to Approve Assets in Workflow Jobs. 

  • Create job asset - Allows users to add assets to Asset Workflow stages.

  • Delete assets - Allows users to remove assets in Asset Workflow stages.

  • Download all assets from the job - Allows users to download all assets.

  • Manage and annotate assets - Allows users to edit/annotate assets in Asset Workflows.

  • Delete asset versions- Allows users to remove versions of assets in Asset Workflows.

  • Manage templates in jobs - Allows users to manage templates in the Asset Workflow solution.

Not Applicable

Brand Templates

Heavy user

Regular user

Light user

  • Disable template previews - Restricts users from generating a Asset Workflow template preview.

  • Manage templates - Allows users to manage Asset Workflow templates.

  • Upload a POD template - This allows users to upload a POD template to the environment.

Not Applicable


Heavy user

Regular user

Light user

  • Create campaigns - Allows users to add campaigns to Asset Workflows.

  • Delete campaigns - Allows users to remove campaigns.

  • Manage campaigns - Allows users to edit campaigns in Asset Workflows.

  • View campaign overview - Allows users to see the campaign overview in the Asset Workflow.

  • Export jobs from campaigns to CSV - Allows users to export jobs from campaigns.

  • Create campaigns based on presets - Allows users to add campaigns based on presets to Asset Workflows.

Not Applicable


Heavy user

Regular user

Light user

  • Manage templates - Allows users to choose batch templates in the Asset Workflow solution (if the template supports it).

  • Create jobs based on presets - Allows users to create Asset Workflow jobs based on a preset.

  • Create templates in jobs - Allows users to add assets based on POD templates.

  • Download job attachments - Allows users to download all attachments from Asset Workflow jobs.

  • Book time in jobs - Allows users to book time in jobs.

  • View booked time overview - Allows users to see the total time booked in the Asset Workflow.

  • Mark comments as important in jobs - Users can mark Asset Workflow comments as important.

  • Allow user suggestions in all groups- Allow users to tag and assign tasks to all other users.

  • Approve jobs - Allows users to approve jobs.

  • Cancel jobs - Allows users to cancel jobs.

  • Create jobs - Allows users to add Asset Workflow jobs to campaigns.

  • Delete jobs - Allows users to remove jobs.

  • Export jobs from campaigns to CSV - Allows users to export jobs and asset-related data.

  • Manage jobs - Allows users to manage jobs.

  • Reorder jobs - Allows users to reorder jobs and process order stages.

  • View jobs - Allows users to see an overview of all jobs.

  • Create private messages in jobs - Users can add private messages in Asset Workflow conversations.

  • Manage job overview notes - Allows users to manage Asset Workflow job overview notes.

  • View job overview notes- Allows users to view Asset Workflow job overview notes.

Not Applicable


Heavy user

Regular user

Light user

  • Metaproperty API view - Allows users to view metaproperties using API v5.

  • Manage metaproperties - Allows users to manage metaproperties in the Asset Workflow.


Not Applicable


Heavy user

Regular user

Light user

  • Create presets - Allows users to add presets for Asset Workflows.

  • View presets - Allows users to see all the presets created for Asset Workflows.


Not Applicable


Heavy user

Regular user

Light user

  • Create stages - Allows users to add stages to Asset Workflows

  • Delete stages - Allows users to remove stages in Asset Workflows.

  • Manage inactive stages - Allows the users responsible for the stage to edit inactive stages in Asset Workflows.

  • Manage stages - Allows users to edit stages in Asset Workflows.

Not Applicable


Heavy user

Regular user

Light user

  • Create tasks - Allows users to add tasks to Asset Workflow stages.

  • Delete tasks - Allows users to remove tasks in Asset Workflow stages.

  • Manage tasks - Allows users to edit tasks in Asset Workflow stages.

Not Applicable


Heavy user

Regular user

Light user

  • Manage user groups - Allows users to manage groups in the Asset Workflow.

Not Applicable

Not Applicable

Note: In order to avoid conflicting user rights only one CX User Community permission can be set up per permission profile.

Creator Manager Viewer 
  • Users with this permission can create and manage their guides and view guides created by other users that are set to be visible to them. They cannot manage or modify guides created by others.
  • Users with this permission can manage all guides and their content. This includes setting a cover image, managing access rights, changing the title, or deleting a guide. The role is referred to as ‘editor’ and is intended for portal administrators.
  • Users with this permission can view the content of all guides that are set to be visible to them. They cannot add or edit any guides or content.

Permissions in Custom Links

Creator Manager Viewer
  • Users with this permission can edit and delete all custom links, including those created by others.
  • Users with this permission can view all custom links, including those created by other users.

Permissions in Content Workflow

Permission Access Granted

Access all projects

Ability to access all projects in your Content Workflow account.

Access account settings

Ability to access and edit all account settings - except changing the account owner.

Create projects

Permission to create, archive, or delete a project.

Change billing & subscription.

Ability to update billing details, view invoices, and change account plans.

Receive product updates via email

You can opt-in or out of the Content Workflow product updates.

Access all items

Ability to view and access all Items in the projects they have access to.

Create items

Ability to add, archive, and delete Items. They can also restore archived items.

Create templates

Permission is required to add and edit the structure of Items. Permission to create, edit, import, duplicate templates.

Edit Workflow

Permission to view and edit the project workflow(s).

Assign items

Permission to add and remove assignees from items.

Set due dates

Ability to add, change, and remove due dates.

Update workflow status

Permission to change the workflow status of items.

Leave comments

Permission to comment on any item that the user has access to.

Edit content

Ability to write, edit, and remove content from any item the user can access.

Export content

Permission to export content as Word or PDF documents.

Access the content map.

The user with this permission can access the content map tab in every project they have access to.

Access files

Permission to access the files library tab and to download files for all projects they can access.

Manage users

You can invite users and remove them from the Content Workflow account. You can also choose user permissions and which projects users have access to.

Manage roles and permissions.

Possibly the most important permission. Ability to edit user permissions, including their own. Use appropriately!

Can generate AI content

Permission to generate content using the AI assist tool, where enabled.

Manage Webhooks

Permission to create, edit and manage webhooks in your account. Just so you know, webhooks can access all items, templates, workflow statuses and comments within a project. 


NOTE: Account Owner is a Master role, so it cannot be edited. Only one person can be the account owner of an account. 

Permissions in DAT

Heavy user Regular user Light user
  • Manage Presets - Allows users to create, edit, and delete presets in portal settings.
  • Show DAT URL - Allows users to view the DAT URL in the Asset Detail View.
  • View and Download Presets—This option allows users to view the DAT URL and view and download assets and presets in the DAT UI.
  • Create Transformations - Allows users to view the DAT URL, view and download assets and presets in the DAT UI, and create a new transformation.

Permissions in Studio

  Admin Content Designer Content Creator
  Owner Contributor Owner Contributor Owner Contributor
Rename project X X X X X X
Delete project X   X   X  
View project permissions X X X X X X
Update project permissions X X X X X  
Transfer ownership X X X   X  
  Admin Content Designer Content Creator
Designs Owner Contributor Owner Contributor Owner Contributor
List designs X X X X X X
View design X X X X X X
Rename design X X X X X X
Edit design X X X X    
Manage design sizes X X X X    
Delete design X   X   X  
Duplicate design X X X X X X
View design permissions X X X X X X
Update design permissions X X X X    
Transfer ownership X X X      
Move design X   X   X  