Understanding Permissions In Asset Workflow

Candace Estelle
Candace Estelle
  • Updated

Bynder uses a default set of rights to define permission types and their capabilities. If necessary you can customize these to fit your individual use case. Here is a table to understand the default permissions in asset workflow.



Heavy user

Regular user

Light user

  • Create template account variables - Users can add account variables for Asset Workflow templates.

  • Delete template account variables - This allows users to remove variables.

  • View template account variable - Allows users to view the account variable overview.

  • Create account variable options - Users can add variable options in Asset Workflow templates.

  • Delete account variable options - Allows users to remove variable options in variables.

  • Get all available workflow permissions- Allows users to get all the permissions available in the Asset Workflow.




Heavy user

Regular user

Light user

  • Delete all annotations - This allows users to remove any annotation in Asset Workflow.

  • Manage all annotations - This allows users to edit any annotation in Asset Workflow.

  • Create private annotations - Allows users to add a private annotation

  • Approve asset - Allows users to approve Asset Workflow assets. (A User must have "Approve Job" permission enabled to Approve Assets in Workflow Jobs. 

  • Create job asset - Allows users to add assets to Asset Workflow stages.

  • Delete assets - Allows users to remove assets in Asset Workflow stages.

  • Download all assets from the job - Allows users to download all assets.

  • Manage and annotate assets - Allows users to edit/annotate assets in Asset Workflows.

  • Delete asset versions- Allows users to remove versions of assets in Asset Workflows.

  • Manage templates in jobs - Allows users to manage templates in the Asset Workflow solution.


Brand Templates

Heavy user

Regular user

Light user

  • Disable template previews - Restricts users from generating a Asset Workflow template preview.

  • Manage templates - Allows users to manage Asset Workflow templates.

  • Upload a POD template - This allows users to upload a POD template to the environment.



Heavy user

Regular user

Light user

  • Create campaigns - Allows users to add campaigns to Asset Workflows.

  • Delete campaigns - Allows users to remove campaigns.

  • Manage campaigns - Allows users to edit campaigns in Asset Workflows.

  • View campaign overview - Allows users to see the campaign overview in the Asset Workflow.

  • Export jobs from campaigns to CSV - Allows users to export jobs from campaigns.

  • Create campaigns based on presets - Allows users to add campaigns based on presets to Asset Workflows.



Heavy user

Regular user

Light user

  • Manage templates - Allows users to choose batch templates in the Asset Workflow solution (if the template supports it).

  • Create jobs based on presets - Allows users to create Asset Workflow jobs based on a preset.

  • Create templates in jobs - Allows users to add assets based on POD templates.

  • Download job attachments - Allows users to download all attachments from Asset Workflow jobs.

  • Book time in jobs - Allows users to book time in jobs.

  • View booked time overview - Allows users to see the total time booked in the Asset Workflow.

  • Mark comments as important in jobs - Users can mark Asset Workflow comments as important.

  • Allow user suggestions in all groups- Allow users to tag and assign tasks to all other users.

  • Approve jobs - Allows users to approve jobs.

  • Cancel jobs - Allows users to cancel jobs.

  • Create jobs - Allows users to add Asset Workflow jobs to campaigns.

  • Delete jobs - Allows users to remove jobs.

  • Export jobs from campaigns to CSV - Allows users to export jobs and asset-related data.

  • Manage jobs - Allows users to manage jobs.

  • Reorder jobs - Allows users to reorder jobs and process order stages.

  • View jobs - Allows users to see an overview of all jobs.

  • Create private messages in jobs - Users can add private messages in Asset Workflow conversations.

  • Manage job overview notes - Allows users to manage Asset Workflow job overview notes.

  • View job overview notes- Allows users to view Asset Workflow job overview notes.



Heavy user

Regular user

Light user

  • Metaproperty API view - Allows users to view metaproperties using API v5.

  • Manage metaproperties - Allows users to manage metaproperties in the Asset Workflow.




Heavy user

Regular user

Light user

  • Create presets - Allows users to add presets for Asset Workflows.

  • View presets - Allows users to see all the presets created for Asset Workflows.




Heavy user

Regular user

Light user

  • Create stages - Allows users to add stages to Asset Workflows

  • Delete stages - Allows users to remove stages in Asset Workflows.

  • Manage inactive stages - Allows the users responsible for the stage to edit inactive stages in Asset Workflows.

  • Manage stages - Allows users to edit stages in Asset Workflows.



Heavy user

Regular user

Light user

  • Create tasks - Allows users to add tasks to Asset Workflow stages.

  • Delete tasks - Allows users to remove tasks in Asset Workflow stages.

  • Manage tasks - Allows users to edit tasks in Asset Workflow stages.



Heavy user

Regular user

Light user

  • Manage user groups - Allows users to manage groups in the Asset Workflow.




Who can update the permission profiles?

Only your Bynder admin has access to permission profiles to ensure necessary security.

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Level: Proficient

Proficient-level articles are for users who have some prior Bynder knowledge. These articles require you to know the basics and may also require higher-level portal rights to accomplish the task outlined within the article. 
