Understanding Permissions and Roles In Content Workflow

Candace Estelle
Candace Estelle
  • Updated

Bynder uses a default set of rights to define permission types and their capabilities. If necessary you can customize these to fit your individual use case. 

Depending on your package, you can create custom roles or use Bynder's default roles. Custom roles enable you to tailor your users' accessibility at a granular level. Your account automatically has three roles: Admin, Author, and Editor. 


Permission Name

Access Granted

Access all projects

Ability to access all projects in your Content Workflow account.

Access account settings

Ability to access and edit all account settings - except changing the account owner.

Create projects

Permission to create, archive, or delete a project.

Change billing & subscription.

Ability to update billing details, view invoices, and change account plans.

Receive product updates via email

You can opt in or out of the Content Workflow product updates.

Access all items

Ability to view and access all Items in the projects they have access to.

Create items

Ability to add, archive, and delete Items. They can also restore archived items.

Create templates

Permission is required to add and edit the structure of Items. Permission to create, edit, import, duplicate templates.

Edit Workflow

Permission to view and edit the project workflow(s).

Assign items

Permission to add and remove assignees from items.

Set due dates

Ability to add, change, and remove due dates.

Update workflow status

Permission to change the workflow status of items.

Leave comments

Permission to comment on any item that the user has access to.

Edit content

Ability to write, edit, and remove content from any item the user can access.

Export content

Permission to export content as Word or PDF documents.

Access the content map.

The user with this permission can access the content map tab in every project they have access to.

Access files

Permission to access the files library tab and to download files for all projects they can access.

Manage users

You can invite users and remove them from the Content Workflow account. You can also choose user permissions and which projects users have access to.

Manage roles and permissions.

Possibly the most important permission. Ability to edit user permissions, including their own. Use appropriately!

Can generate AI content

Permission to generate content using the AI assist tool, where enabled.

Manage Webhooks

Permission is required to create, edit, and manage webhooks in your account. Just so you know, webhooks can access all items, templates, workflow statuses, and comments within a project. 

Note: Account Owner is a leading role, so it cannot be edited. Only one person can be the account owner of an account. 


Who can update the permission profiles?

Only your Bynder admin has access to permission profiles to ensure necessary security.

Related Articles

Understanding Permissions In Studio

Understanding Permissions In Asset Workflow

Level: Proficient

Proficient-level articles are for users who have some prior Bynder knowledge. These articles require you to know the basics and may also require higher-level portal rights to accomplish the task outlined within the article. 
