Onboarding Reviewers to Content Workflow

In Content Workflow, the role of a reviewer is crucial yet intentionally limited to ensure a focused and streamlined process. Reviewers are tasked with providing feedback, ensuring content meets the necessary standards, and aligning with project goals before it moves to the next stage. To maintain the integrity of the review process, reviewers typically have restricted permissions, allowing them to only review and comment on content without making direct edits or approvals. This setup clarifies their role and minimizes the risk of unauthorized changes, ensuring that the content goes through the proper channels before finalization.

  1. Navigate to the People & Groups section by selecting the [CW] People&Groups.png icon.
  2. Choose the [CW] Create new rol.png button to open the role creator modal.[CW] Create Role.png
  3. The role can be customized to have permissions based on their responsibilities as a reviewer. [CW] Reviewer.png
  4. When you have chosen the permissions, select Create role. You are now ready to apply it to your reviewers.
    • This setup restricts your reviewer’s ability to write or edit content, ensuring they only see the content assigned to them. From the reviewer’s perspective, they will only access what they need to review, without the capability to make changes to the content. Their permissions are limited to commenting and updating statuses, which are the only actions necessary for their role.


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