Create a User Access Registration Form

Martijn Steur
Martijn Steur
  • Updated

One way for users to gain access to your portal is via a registration form. If enabled, the form will appear on the homepage of your Bynder portal for users to complete. Once finished, you can approve or reject access to your Bynder portal. You can customize the form based on the information you want users to provide to help streamline the approval process. 

Create a New Registration Form

You can set up registration form(s) for users to complete that are customized and relevant to your organization. If users request access to your Bynder portal, they can select the “Account Type” from the dropdown menu that best relates to them. You can create multiple forms or account types (up to 20).

  1. Navigate to Settingssettings_menu.png > Advanced Settings > Portal Settings
  2. In the left sidebar, click User Access Request.

Note: Please contact your Customer Success Contact if you receive the message “The form has already been set up”  and cannot add a registration form.  


3. In the Registration forms section, click Add account type.

4. In the Label section, enter an Account Type. The Account type is the name of the registration form type. For example, you can create Internal and External account types to distinguish between internal members and external partners requesting access.

5. Select the Permission profile from the dropdown menu, automatically assigning the user from this Account Type to the selected Permission profile. 

6. add relevant fields linked to the registration form in the Registration form section.  

Note: If the requestor accepts these fields, they will not be saved in their user profile.  

  • Click Edit Fields at the bottom left-hand corner to create new fields or to indicate which ones you want to require.

7. In the Require Approval section, click Toggle ON I if you would like to require approval every time a user from this account type completes a registration form.

Admin Tip: If you do not require approval, the user requests of that request type will be automatically approved and assigned to the configured permission profile. This may be a security risk for your portal, so we strongly recommend Toggle ON to require approval.

8. If you want to Notify specific approvers, you can add specific users, groups, profiles, or email addresses of active Bynder users. 

    • These users can approve or reject user access requests via email without permission from the Manage portal settings.


Admin Tip: Be careful when selecting non-admin approvers, as they can accept or reject user access requests. To remove approvers, click next to their name.

9. Click Done to complete the account type.

Create Custom Form Fields

In addition to the standard registration fields, you can create custom form fields and add translations.

NOTE: Information collected will not appear in the user’s profile once the user is approved.

  1. Navigate to Settings settings_menu.png > Advanced settings > Portal settings.

  2. In the left sidebar, click User Access Request.

  3. In the Available form fields section, click Edit fields.

4. Click the Add Custom field.

5. Enter the Label. This will be the name of the Custom field.

6. Click the toggle to require the selected field. If required, userss cannot complete the registration without filling out this field.

7. [Optional] Add translations for each field label under Translations.

8. Click Done.

Admin Tip: The Custom Fields are only visible in Users & Rights > User Access Requests.

To show a Custom Field in the table, select it from the Fields list: 


Edit Registration Forms

  1. Navigate to settings_menu.pngSettings > Advanced settings > Portal settings.

  2. In the left sidebar, click User Access Request

  3. In the Registration Forms section, click next to the form you want to edit.

  4. You can select edit form, delete form, or select by default.

    • Select by default: If selected, this form will populate by default.

  5. Click Edit fields to edit the form fields associated with the selected account type.

    • Learn more about how to create custom fields here


  1. [Optional] Select which fields you would like to require by clicking the toggle in the Required field section 

  1. Once it's finished, you can click Done. 

General Form Configuration [optional]

You can customize the text in the registration form to give users additional information.
