Portal Switch

Martijn Steur
Martijn Steur
  • Updated

The portal switch is a dropdown that allows you to quickly jump to one of the other Bynder portals you're a member of.If your organization has multiple Bynder portals and you want your users to be able to switch between them easily, you can use the portal switch feature. 

How to enable this feature in your portal?

Contact your Customer Success Contact to enable this feature in your portal and any associated costs.

How to Manage the Portal Switch as an Administrator

Once the portal switch has been set up for your portal you can start managing what type of permission profile they have in the other portals they have access to. You can also disable their access to the other portals completely.

  1. Go to Settings > Users & rights > User Management and open the user account you want to manage. In the User Accounts section, you can see what other portals the user has access to and what type of permission profile they have.

  2. You can manage the following:


    If the checkbox in the Account column for a portal is ticked, the user has access to that portal. Select or deselect the checkbox to grant or disable access to that portal.


    Click the Profile dropdown and select the permission profile the user should have in the other portal.


    Click to enlarge

  3. Click Save to save the changes.

How to Switch to Another Portal

If your administrator granted you access to multiple brand portals you can use the portal switch to easily navigate to another portal.

By default, you can open the switch by clicking on the name of your portal in the top left corner of the portal. Depending on the look and feel of the portal, the name may be displayed somewhere else in the top of the screen. When the drop-down opens, click the name of the other portal you want to switch to.

Contact your portal administrator if the portal switch is not available even though you should have access to other brand portals as well.

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