Create and Manage Your Portal Homepage

The homepage, also known as the dashboard, is the central landing page of your portal. Here, you can find a slider, navigation tiles, news items, quick links, and other widgets such as the Bynder Express and the Asset Workflow widget. Use news item widgets like sliders, navigation tiles, featured news, and quick links to drive your end users to the assets they need.

Who can manage the Homepage?


Check out our video series on Homepage Training to help get you started!

Who Can Access the Homepage

By default, all users have access to the portal's homepage. If necessary, you can restrict specific permission profiles from accessing the dashboard.

  1. Navigate to Portal.
  2. Go to settings_menu.pngSettings > Users & rights > Permission Management

  3. Select the permission profile(s) that shouldn't be able to access the homepage in the left sidebar.

  4. In the Homepage section, enable the Restrict access to the dashboard permission for the selected permission profiles.

  5. Click Save to save the changes.

Read more about managing permission profiles here.

Alternative Landing Page

After a successful login, all users are redirected to the portal's homepage by default. If the homepage is disabled for your portal, the default landing page will be the Asset Bank overview page.

If these two scenarios don't work for your portal, you can choose an alternative landing page. Contact your Customer Success Manager, who is happy to assist you in setting this up.

Welcome Text

You can use the welcome text on the homepage of your portal to communicate with your users. Various headings can be used, and links can be added.

Contact your Customer Success Manager and provide them with the text you would like added or modified as welcome text.


Menu Links

The portal menu plays an essential role in your portal's navigation structure. Menu links give access to the main section of the portal, such as the Asset Bank, Asset Workflow, Brand Guidelines, and Brand Templates. Menu links can also link to custom pages and external websites.

Contact your Customer Success Manager if you would like to add or modify menu links.



Navigation Tiles

Navigation tiles can quickly link your users to a specific destination. You can, for example, refer to a specific selection of assets in the Asset Bank, a specific collection, or a page on the Brand Guideline external website. Set up an image for your navigation tile so that users can quickly understand what it is about. Navigation tiles can be set up in News Management. Read more about it here.Screenshot 2024-02-08 at 2.20.56 PM.png


The navigation tile image dimensions are 278px width & 180px height.

Quick Links

Quick Links on your homepage can give you easy access to some of the portal's more commonly used sections or pages. They can also be used to link external web pages that you use frequently. Read more about quick links here.

Screenshot 2024-02-08 at 2.21.15 PM.png


Bynder Express

Add Bynder Express to your portal's homepage so that users can share their files. For more information, see Share your files with Bynder Express.

Contact your Customer Success Manager if you have Bynder Express added to your portal's dashboard.

Asset Workflow (Optional)

You can add widgets that inform users about activities, tasks, inactive jobs, and jobs that need their attention. The display is arranged in the following way: past deadlines, approaching deadlines (from the soonest to the furthest t), and no deadlines.

Contact your Customer Success Manager if you would like to have this widget enabled for your dashboard.

Recently Added Media

You can add the last eight uploaded assets to the homepage as a widget or a slider.

Latest News

Add the widget to display the portal's three most recently published news portals. Clicking on a news item in the widget will always direct you to the news article page. A news article page features one specific news item published in the portal.

Clicking More News… under the featured articles in the latest news widget will direct you to your portal's news overview page. On this overview, a page can scroll through all news items published to the portal in reverse chronological order of the publication date.


You can use the slider to highlight specific news articles on the homepage and directly link to internal or external pages. For example, simply add one of your pages in Brand Guidelines to your company's website.

The slider automatically goes from one slide to another. Optionally, you can also hover over the slider with the arrow buttons to browse the available slides.


The slider image dimensions are 1184px width & 320px height. 

Widgets on the Login Page

You must enable custom theming to have the same widget on your portal's login and home page. Contact your Customer Success Manager to learn about Custom Theming and the associated costs

Contact your Customer Success Manager to learn about Custom Theming and the associated costs


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