Restrict Asset Workflow tagging

Martijn Steur
Martijn Steur
  • Updated

By default users with access to Asset Workflow can tag all users in a comment or assign a task to them. By restricting Workflow tagging, users can only tag or assign users who are in the same user group(s) as they are.

What are Workflow tagging restrictions?

This feature allows you to control which other users people with access to Asset Workflow can tag or assign tasks to. Users will only be able to tag or assign users who are in the same user group(s) as they are. This way you can make sure that your users only include the people who should actually be involved.

For the users who should not be impacted by these restrictions, you can enable a permission for their user profiles so that they are not limited by these restrictions.

How to enable Workflow tagging restrictions?

This feature needs to enabled for your portal. Contact your Customer Success Contact, who's happy to assist you in setting this up.

Once this feature is set up, start configuring your Asset Workflow tagging restrictions.

How to set up Workflow tagging restrictions?

When setting up Workflow tagging restrictions, two types of configuration need to be taken into consideration.

  • Decide on the groups of users, who should be able to tag each other or assign tasks to each other, and make sure they're in the same user group. Read more about adding users to user groups here.

  • Decide on the permission profiles that should not be impacted by the Workflow tagging restrictions.

  1. Go to Settings > Users & rights > Permission management.

  2. Click the permission profile for which you want to disable the restrictions.

  3. Enable the permission Allow user suggest in all groups.

  4. Click Save to save your changes.

  5. (Optional) Repeat these steps for other permission profiles if necessary.
