If you need to track assets associated with specific workflow jobs, you can create metaproperties that will automatically connect these assets to the jobs. This allows you to easily filter and access specific workflow jobs directly from the asset details page.
This feature/solution requires your Customer Success Contact to enable, but then individual permissions can be done by the Bynder Admin.
Link Assets to Asset Workflow Jobs
- Contact your Customer Success Contact to create the new "Workflow Link" metaproperty that will link the assets to your Workflow Jobs.
- Once the metaproperty has been created navigate to Settings > Workflow > Preset Management.
Click the Job hyperlink.
Click + Add preset.
In the preset options, select Add job to exported assets using the "Workflow link" metaproperty.
From the Workflow link metaproperty drop-down list, select the metaproperty you have created.
Save your preset.
Create a Job Based on this Preset.
When you create a job using a preset and upload assets to this job, the submitted assets in the Asset library will have a link to the original job. To see the link to the job, open the asset detail page.
- Navigate to Workflow.
- Click Create new and select the job preset you have created.
- Enter the name of the job and click Add to start the workflow job.
- Upload new assets.
- Export the assets to the Waiting Room or Asset Bank.
- In the Asset Detail view, select
to view the link to the Workflow job.
[Legacy Taxonomy Instructions] How to Link Assets to Asset Workflow Jobs
- Navigate to Settings > Taxonomy > Metaproperty Management.
- Click the + Add to create a new metaproperty.
- Open the Type dropdown and select Workflow job.
- Enable the following checkboxes: Editable, Filterable, Apifield (optional), Display field, and Main Filter This is Important if these are not checked the configuration will not work
- Click the Save to save your metaproperty.
- Go to Settings > Workflow > Preset Management > Job and enable the setting Add job to exported assets using "Workflow link" metaproperty. This setting will be available as a new checkbox under Options at the top of the Job preset page.