Set Permissions on a Metaproperty Options Level

Martijn Steur
Martijn Steur
  • Updated

You can control access to specific metaproperty options, enabling you to hide assets tagged with those options from users who would otherwise have access. Additionally, you can prevent certain users or user groups from applying specific metaproperty options during asset uploads or edits.

Remember that a user's permission level always takes priority. It's recommended not to grant users more permissions than their existing roles allow.

Who can manage metaproperties and options?

Users with the following rights can manage metaproperties:

How to Set Permissions on a Metaproperty Option Level

  1. Navigate to settings-icon.png Settings > Taxonomy > Metaproperties management.
  2. Either navigate or search for the metaproperty with the option for which you want to set the permission. 
  3. Select the metaproperty, then either navigate or search for the metaproperty option. 
  4. In the right sidebar, click Access Rights. 
  5. Select the security access available options.

Available Options

Show and Hide Media 

  • Show Media: This option overwrites the hide-by-default setting. If you have decided to hide the assets with this metaproperty option, the users you select here can view the assets tagged with this one. 


    • This option will not grant permission to view specific archived or watermarked assets to users who do not have the correct rights to see this type of material in their permission profile.
    • The Show media in this option only works with a hide-by-default metaproperty option and can't be used standalone.
    • If an asset has been tagged with two options of the same metaproperty, and the user only has the right to see one, this asset can be seen by that user. If this functionality is not desired, reach out to the Customer Success Contact to turn off this setting
    • Suppose the metaproperty option is hidden by default, and users only have the Show media option selected. In that case, they can only upload assets to the Waiting Room for this option, even though they might have the upload and publish media option in their permission profile.
  • Hide media: This option hides the assets tagged from users who usually have permission to view media. The Hide media from this option overrules any other permission/restriction set for a different option within the same metaproperty, including the "Show Media" option. Which means users won't be able to view, edit, and remove the asset.

Upload, Edit and Remove Media

  • Add and publish media: This option allows users with "Upload" or "Upload with Mandatory Approval" Permission to upload assets with this option. It will respect the individual permissions. For example, a user with "Upload with Mandatory approval" permissions will still need to have their assets approved.
    • Suppose the metaproperty option is hidden by default, and the user has the Add and publish media permission without the Show media in this option permission. In that case, they won't see the metaproperty option in the upload screen. In this case, permission is necessary to upload the Show media using this option.
    • Users will have full edit rights for the assets tagged with a metaproperty option for which edit media permission is enabled in this option. This means they can also edit other metaproperties, tags, and options the asset is tagged with.
  • Edit media: This option allows users to edit media tagged with this metaproperty option even if they don't have the general Edit assets permission enabled in their profile. You can always edit media if you have the general Edit assets permission.
  • Remove media: This option allows the user to delete assets tagged with this option. You also need the Delete Assets option in your permission profile.

Audit Upload & Download Requests

  • Audit uploaded media: Allows users to access the Waiting Room and audit upload requests of assets tagged with this metaproperty option. This option must be enabled to enable email notifications for upload requests. Users who gain audit permissions from this option will receive an audit email notification whenever available.
    • Granting a permission profile, user group, or user with this permission will not give this permission profile, user group, or user general audit rights.
    • Users without the general Audit upload requests permission will need to have the audit uploaded media for this option permission for all the options the asset is tagged with.
    • If they still need to, they'll only be able to audit the options they can access. The options that are not approved will stay in the Waiting Room pending approval from another administrator with the appropriate permissions.
  • Audit download requests: This option allows users to access the Waiting Room and audit download requests of assets tagged with this metaproperty option. This option must be enabled to enable email notifications for download requests. Users who gain audit permissions from this option will receive an audit email notification whenever it is available.
    • Granting a permission profile, user group, or user with this permission will not give this permission profile, user group, or user general audit rights.

Disable Upload & Edit

  • Turn off the option in upload & edit. This hides this metaproperty option for the selected users in the Upload and Edit screens.

Assets Tagged With Multiple Hide by Default Metaproperty Options

Use the Asset Permission Viewer to analyze the permissions for metaproperty options on an asset level so that you can see what assets users can view, edit, remove, or audit assets.

Assets can have multiple metaproperty options for setting permissions. By default, the portal allows users to perform actions if they have at least one of the required permissions. In the given example, the user group "Only Access To Europe" can see the asset even if they are not part of the user group "North America- Designers."

If you would prefer a user requiring all permissions access to an asset to see it, we can change the functionality by turning off metapropertyLevelAccess:

  • For example, the asset below is tagged with the metaproperty options North America and Legal Access Level 5; restrictions are in place for both options. The user group North America - Designers is allowed to view assets tagged with the option North America but not to see media tagged with the option Legal Access Level 5.
  • In this case, there is a metaproperty option permission conflict, and the Hide media from this option permission will not allow the user group to view the asset.

Assets Tagged With Hide by Default and No Restrictions Metaproperty Options

How to enable this feature in your portal?

Contact your Customer Success Contact to enable this feature in your portal. 

  1. Review your current metaproperty option permissions to avoid security risks or data breaches.
  2. Once this setting is enabled, it will automatically apply to all assets. Depending on your metaproperty option permission setup, (sensitive) assets hidden from specific permissions profiles, user groups, and users can now become available to a more extensive user base.
  3. It can only be used for the Show media from this option and not for the hide, edit, audit, and remove options.

By default, users cannot see assets tagged with hide-by-fault metaproperty options and options with no access restrictions belonging to the same metaproperty. The optional configuration can be a solution if you don't want this standard behavior.

In the example below, an asset is tagged with the Level 1 and No Restrictions options under the Access Level metaproperty. The Level 1 option is a hide-by-default metaproperty option. In the default setup, this would mean that only some can see this asset if they are added as an exception to the Level 1 option. The No Restrictions option is not hidden by default. In the default setup, having access to only one of the options determines that users cannot view the asset.

When the optional configuration is enabled, the permission profiles, user groups, and users who only have viewing rights for one of the options can still view the asset. Additional configuration for the option(s) with no restrictions is necessary; otherwise, the system cannot determine whether users should be able to view the asset or not. In the example below, all users were given viewing rights to the No Restrictions option by enabling Show Media from this option for all the available permission profiles.

  • This only applies to metaproperty options that belong to the same metaproperty. All metaproperty options need to be set to Hide by default. Set up the necessary permissions to show the assets to the necessary permission profiles, user groups, and users.
  • This only works when other hide-by-default options have specific restrictions in place. If, in the above example, the option Africa had been hidden specifically for the Only Access To Europe user group, users would still be unable to view the asset.image.png

Legacy Taxonomy Instructions

  1. Navigate to your Portal.
  2. Select settings-icon.png Settings > Taxonomy> Metaproperties Management
  3. Either navigate or search for the metaproperty with the option that you'd like to set the permission on. 
  4. Click Screen Shot 2016-11-23 at 15.50.31.png next to the metaproperty to view the metaproperty options.
  5. SelectScreen Shot 2016-11-23 at 15.50.22.png next to the metaproperty option for which you'd like to update the permissions.
  6. Choose the security access available options.
    • The Main Filter needs to be enabled on the metaproperty level to have the options visible.  

