Edit and Delete Metaproperty Options

  • Updated

Once you have configured your metaproperty options, you can make changes to them.

Edit Metaproperty Options

  1. Navigate to settings_menu.png Settings > Taxonomy > Metaproperties management and click Metaproperties and options in the left sidebar.

  2. Navigate or search for the metaproperty that your option is associated with.

  3. Use the Search bar to locate the metaproperty option you want to edit.

  4. Begin editing any of the option details.


Note: Database name's an option IDs cannot be edited

Delete Metaproperty Options


If you delete a metaproperty option, it will be removed from assets categorized with it, andall automation tied to it. Learn more about taxonomy automation here.

  1. Navigate to settings_menu.png Settings > Taxonomy > Metaproperties management and click Metaproperties and options in the left sidebar.

  2. Navigate or search for the metaproperty that your option is associated with.

  3. Use the Search bar to locate the metaproperty option you want to delete.

  4. Click three_dots.png and select the delete option.

  5. A warning message will appear notifying you that if you delete this option, it will be deleted and removed from assets categorized with it. All automation tied to this option will also be deleted.

  6. Check empty_box.png and click Yes, delete.


Did you accidentally remove a metaproperty? After removal, you have 30 days to restore your deleted metaproperties and metaproperty options in Trash. Read more about it here.