Create and Share a Filtered Analytics Dashboard

Sara Anthony
Sara Anthony
  • Updated

Bynder Analytics offers a convenient feature that allows filters to be embedded directly into the URL of a dashboard, streamlining the process of sharing specific data views. With this functionality, when a user opens the shared URL, the relevant filters are automatically applied, displaying the dashboard data according to the specified parameters. This eliminates the need to manually reapply the same filters every time you revisit or share a dashboard, saving time and effort.

Whether you're working with complex datasets or need to focus on specific metrics, you can bookmark your favorite filter URLs and share them with your team to ensure consistency in reporting. By leveraging the filter values in the Analytics interface, you can easily create custom URLs that fit your reporting needs.

How to Share Filtered Analytics Dashboard


The applied filter will not automatically reflect the URL. You must copy and paste the filter and apply it to the URL.

  1. Navigate to Reporting > Analytics.
  2. Determine which filters you want to apply.
  3. All URLs follow a similar pattern: first, the base URL, and then the filters. You can use all the filters visible in the dashboard and the full advanced filter functionality (include, exclude, contain, etc.). 
    Follow this key to begin to apply filters to the URL. 
    • You can bulk filter multiple assets, users, or other values by constructing a string with those values (e.g., in Excel) and then pasting the string into the URL as a filter. This method allows you to quickly apply a filter to many items simultaneously, saving time compared to manually selecting each option.
  4. Copy and paste the URL and share or bookmark it to avoid applying the same filters on every visit.
    • Tip: Copy filters from one dashboard to another (if the same filters are available.


Here is an example if you want to filter the Uploads dashboard on the last 30 days for only images and exclude admins:

  1. Navigate to Reporting > Analytics > Dashboard (Uploads Dashboard).
    • https://portalname/b-analytics/asset-bank/uploads
  2. Add ?
    • https://portalname/b-analytics/asset-bank/uploads?
  3. Add Time+Frame=30+days
    • https://portalname/b-analytics/asset-bank/uploads?Time+Frame=30+days
  4. Add &
    • https://portalname/b-analytics/asset-bank/uploads?Time+Frame=30+days&
  5. Add Asset+Type=Image
    • https://portalname/b-analytics/asset-bank/uploads?Time+Frame=30+daysAsset+Type=Image
  6. Add &
    • https://portalname/b-analytics/asset-bank/uploads?Time+Frame=30+daysAsset+Type=Image&
  7. Add Profile+Name=-Admin
    • https://portalname/b-analytics/asset-bank/uploads?Time+Frame=30+daysAsset+Type=Image& Profile+Name=-Admin
  8. his gives the following full URL: https://portalname/b-analytics/asset-bank/uploads?Time+Frame=30+days&Asset+Type=Image&Profile+Name=-Admin
  9. You can now bookmark the URL with the applied filters or share it with others with advanced reporting permission.

Key to Apply URL Logic for Filters


  • Spaces are replaced with a ‘+’ 
  • To exclude an item, prefix the name with an ‘-’
Date Filter Type Example
Is in the Last Time+Frame=180+days
Is on the day Time+Frame=2024-09-29
Is in range Time+Frame=2024-09-01+to+2024-09-15
Is before Time+Frame=before+1+month+ago
Is on or after Time+Frame=after+1+month+ago
Is in the year Time+Frame=2024
Is in the month Time+Frame=2024-09
Is this Time+Frame=this+month
Is next Time+Frame=next+month
Is previous Time+Frame=last+month
Is Time+Frame=4+month+ago+for+2+month
Is any time Time+Frame=
Filter Type Example
Is Asset+Type=Image,Document
Contains Profile+Name=%25Admin%25,%25Removed+Users%25
Starts with Profile+Name=Admin%25,Removed+Users%25
Ends with Profile+Name=Admin%25,Removed+Users%25
Is blank Search+Terms=EMPTY
Is null Search+Terms=NULL
Is not Profile+Name=-Admin,-Removed+Users
Doesn't contain Profile+Name=-%25Admin%25,-%25Removed+Users%25
Doesn't start with Profile+Name=-Admin%25,-Removed+Users%25
Doesn't end with Profile+Name=-Admin%25,-Removed+Users%25
Is not blank Search+Terms=-EMPTY
Is not null Search+Terms=-NULL
Date Granularity Example
Daily Date+Granularity=day
Weekly Date+Granularity=week
Monthly Date+Granularity=month
Quarterly Date+Granularity=quarter
Yearly Date+Granularity=year


Do I need a specific permission type to view a shared URL? 

Yes, only those with advanced reporting permission can view the shared URL. 

Does the URL update when filters are adjusted? 

No, while filters are applied when accessing a dashboard via a URL, the URL itself will not change if users manually adjust filters within the dashboard. 

Is there a limit to adding values to a filter? Yes, there’s a general limit to the length of a URL (2048 characters). 
