You can search for projects or items using the search bar in your Content Workflow account. Here's how you can search and filter your content effectively.
Search for Projects
- Navigate to Content Workflow > Project View.
- Type the project's name into the Filter Box.
- As you type, the projects will be filtered and displayed.
- The overview page shows projects ordered by recently updated status, with overdue items appearing first.
Searching for Items
You can search from two places: the project view or within a project
From the Project View
- Navigate to the projects view.
- Click the search bar in the top right-hand corner.
- Type your search prompt and select an item from the results list. Items matching your search will appear first, followed by matches within the content.
From Within a Project
- Inside a project, find the search bar in the top right-hand corner.
Type the name of the item you’re looking for and select it from the list.
- When searching within a project, it automatically finds items in that project. Toggle the switch to search all projects.
Filtering Items
You can filter items based on various criteria:
Approved: Instantly displays items that have been approved.
Assignee: Filters items by the assigned user.
Item Name: Filters items containing your specified text string.
Overdue: Instantly displays overdue items.
Template: Filters items by their applied template.
Workflow Status: Filters items at a particular stage in your workflow.
How to Apply Filters
- Navigate to Content Workflow
- From the content hub, click on the + Add filter available in the All Items view, My Assignments view, and project folders.
- Select the desired filter from the dropdown menu.
- You can combine multiple filters to find what you need quickly.
Selecting an existing filter allows you to change its value. Click X to remove a filter.
Sorting Items by Column
In the Content Hub, you can sort items by clicking on the column headers. Active sorts are highlighted in blue with an arrow indicating the sort direction.
Sorting Options
- Name (Alphabetical)
- Template (Alphabetical)
- Next Due (Date)
- Updated (Date)
- Assignees (Number of)
- Folder (Alphabetical)
- Comments (Number of)
Sort Function Settings
Clicking a column heading cycles through these options.
- Ascending
- Descending
- No sorting