Create a new Project in Content Workflow

  • Updated

A project can refer to various things, such as a complete website, a website section, a set of blog posts, an email campaign, or even a book or presentation. Dividing a bigger project into smaller ones might be beneficial to handle the work more effectively.

Create a New Project 

  1. Navigate to Content Workflow.
  2. Go to your Account Dashboard and select Startnew project

Tip: If you can't see this button, it will be because you don't have permission to create projects in your role. You can ask your Account Owner to grant you this permission.

Adding People to a Project

Depending on roles and permissions, it may be necessary to manually add someone to a project before they can access it.

You can manage your people from the People & Groups section by clicking your people icon.



  1. Select the person you want to add to a project.
  2. You can select the project you want them to access from either the list of projects or the toolbar across the bottom of the page.
  3. When you've selected all relevant projects, could you confirm them by clicking assign projects?


Customizing Project Workflow

Your project workflow is the steps that can be applied to items to communicate their progress.

A project workflow can be unique to every project in your account. It's like the checkpoints a piece of content needs to go through before it can be considered ready for publishing. You can consider SEO, legal reviews, export processes, and other stages of content development.

  1. Navigate to Content Workflow.
  2. Open the Workflow tab in one of your projects. This is where you will see your current workflow.
  3. You can reorder steps in 2 ways: by dragging them up and down or using the toggle arrows in the settings bar. Screen Recording 2023-07-26 at 12.10.00 PM
  4. To add a new workflow step, select the Add new step at the bottom of the page. You can also add a step in between others by clicking. configure-users_plus-sign.png
  5. By filling in the prompts, you can create a name and description for the step. We recommend providing as much information as possible in your description to help your stakeholders understand what needs to be done at this step. Screen Recording 2023-07-26 at 12.14.32 PM
  6. You can enable AI Assist or make the step 'read-only' by switching the appropriate toggles to green. Enabling 'read-only' means the content cannot be edited at that step.
  7. (Optional) Certain Content Workflow plans allow you to customize your project workflow by automatically setting the due dates and workflow assignees.

    Tip: If you delete a workflow step, any items currently sat on that step will be reverted to 'Draft' or the first step in the workflow.

Managing Folders

Folders form the structure of your sitemap and contain items within your project.


Create a Folder

When you create a new project, you'll see a folder with the same name in the sidebar.

  1. Navigate to Content Workflow.
  2. Click or hover on the project folder, and then click the Create folder.
  3. Type the folder name, click anywhere on the page, or press Enter/Return on your keyboard to save. You can add items within a folder by clicking it in the sidebar and selecting Create a new item.



Move a Folder

  1. To move a folder in the hierarchy, click it in the sidebar and drag it to a new location.
  2. A blue line will indicate the end location.


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  • To nest a folder, drag it onto another folder. It will then appear nested underneath.


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Rename or Delete a folder.

  1. To rename a folder, click or hover on it in the sidebar and then click Screenshot 2024-01-03 at 12.57.51 PM.png
  2. Select Rename folder to rename or Move to Trash to delete.



Viewing the Project Hierarchy

The project hierarchy shows the folder structure and the items within each folder. You can collapse and expand any folder in the hierarchy by clicking on it, which will collapse all the items underneath. This allows you to view the structure of your project at different levels easily. From the hierarchy view, you can also create new folders and items.


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Changing the Text Direction

You can change the text direction in a specific project to make it possible to gather content in different languages. This will only affect the content element fields on your pages, so other interface content will always remain left to right. The text direction setting is unique to every project and can be changed anytime. 


  1. Navigate to Content Workflow.
  2. Select Project Settings.
  3. Choose the Writing Direction and select (Left to Right or Right to Left).
  4. Remember to save changes once you've chosen your text direction. 
  5. This change will take effect immediately, but only for this project. It can be changed back at any time.

Renaming your Project

You can rename a project after it has been created. This will update the name that appears in your project dashboard, the first folder in your project, and any emails sent to new people in your project.


  1. Navigate to Content Workflow.
  2. Select Project Settings. 
  3. Click Update your project name.
  4. Click Save.
  5. Click Update your project name.


Using the Overview Tab in your project

You can get a high-level overview of your project's progress by visiting the overview tab. There are several pieces of information shown on this page:


  • Project status: This shows an overview of the project's workflow and the number of items in each workflow status. Clicking on one of the workflow statuses takes you to the content hub, where the items are.





  • Recent Activity: You can also see a stream of all the recent activity to see what's currently happening in the project. The recent activity shown in this list includes high-level activities such as:
    • creating an item

    • trashing an item

    • updating an item's workflow status

Note: Content edits made by team members aren't shown in this list. They exist at the more granular level of the revision history within an item.

  • Items you're assigned to: If you're assigned to any items, they'll appear in a section underneath the 'Project status' information. Click any items under the 'Items you're assigned to' section to open the item and begin editing.

Tip: The project status progress bar only shows the progress of items that you have access to. If you have access to all items within a project, the progress bar will reflect that.


Can I sync my projects to an external calendar?

To help manage your projects, you can sync them to external calendars (iCalendar, Google Calendar, etc.).