Manage Project Files in Content Workflow

You can upload, view, download, delete, and add files to your Content Workflow projects.

Add Files to Your Project

  1. Navigate to Content Workflow.
  2. Select Files & media in the left menu to view your project files.
  3. Click Add files.
  4. An upload modal will appear here. You can drag and drop items from your device or click Browse My Local Files.
  5. Click Add to project.

View Files

  1. Click on the file name to view files at their actual size and see where they're currently being used.
  2. This opens the file viewer. On the right, you can see details such as file size and type and which items the file is currently being used on.

Tip: Items a user doesn't have permission to view won't be individually listed.

Download Files

  1. Select Screenshot 2024-01-03 at 12.57.51 PM.pngin the top bar and select Download.

Tip: You can download a file immediately with the shortcut Shift + D.


Delete Files

  1. Select Screenshot 2024-01-03 at 12.57.51 PM.png in the top bar and select Delete.
  2. When you delete a file, it will be removed from all items that it is currently attached to.
    • Deleting files is permanent and cannot be undone. When choosing to delete files currently being used on items, you'll be asked to confirm your choice to avoid accidental deletion. If you accidentally delete a file, you must add the file to your project and the necessary items again.
    • When a file is deleted from Files & Media, it's no longer available in revision history. 


Adding Files to Content

Asset Fields

Asset fields allow a wide variety of file types to be added to an item, including images, PDFs, and document files.

  1. Once you've added an Asset field to an item's structure, click on Add files when in the content editor.
  2. An Add files pop-up will appear. The Project tab displays all of the files already in your project. You can search for a file name and change the view between the grid and rows.
  3. Select the file or files you wish to add to your item, and click Insert.
  4. If the file you want to use isn't yet in your project, click the Upload tab. You can drag and drop items from your computer onto the modal directly or click Browse my local files.
  5. To remove a file from your selection, hover over it and selecttrash.png  to remove it.
  6. Choose Upload.
  7. Once complete, the files will be inserted into your item.
  8. A file may fail to upload. If this happens, click Try again.

Add Images to Text Fields

You can also add images to your content by inserting them inline.

  1. Once inside a text field, click on the formatting toolbar.
  2. Choose an image from your library or upload a new one, and click Insert.
  3. Your chosen image will now appear inside the text field.
  4. You can comment on the image, view a larger size (if available), download it, view the image in your file library, edit settings, and delete it.
  5. Learn more about image setting here.

Working with Files on an Item

  1. When interacting with files in Asset fields, you have various options. Hovering over the files will bring up the options and more details about them.
  2. Here, you can choose to:

    • Download the file straight to your computer

    • Delete the file from the item (this doesn't delete the file from your project)

    • Comment on the file

    • View a larger version of the file (for files where a preview is available)

Tip: You can download all files on an item from the item menu.


Interacting with Files on the Content Hub

Interacting with files works in the same way as items.

  1. Click on the file you would like to select.
  2. You can repeat the process to select multiple files. Selecting files will bring up the action bar at the bottom of the browser.
  3. Here, you have two options:

    • Download the file(s) to your computer (Single files will download immediately, and you'll be emailed a download link for multiple files).

    • Delete the file(s) from your project.

Note: Deleting files is permanent and cannot be undone. When choosing to delete files currently being used on items, you'll be asked to confirm your choice to avoid accidental deletion. If you accidentally delete a file, you'll need to add the file and necessary items again to your project.


File Size Limits

  • You can upload an asset larger than 1kb and smaller than 50MB.  
  • If you're trying to upload an asset smaller than 1kb, you will need to increase the size of the asset to above 1kb and re-upload.
  • Files or images uploaded to an asset field are not compressed.


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