Crop, Resize and Extend Images in the Asset Bank

The native crop tool built into the asset detail allows you to crop and resize assets, convert them from JPG to PNG, and download the new custom-cropped file. This tool helps you save time by resizing in Bynder without having to use a different platform.

You can create a variety of sizes and derivatives with the DAT module. 


Updates to this feature will be available on September 2 as part of our September Product Release. To learn more reach out to your Customer Success Contact

Who can crop assets?

Users with the following permissions can crop assets:

  • Crop assets & Download original assets: Users can use the crop tool and download their cropped assets. Both of these permissions must be enabled for users to crop assets.

  • Crop assets & Upload assets: Users can save crops as net new assets if both permissions are enabled.

  • Crop assets, Upload assets, & Edit assets: Users with all three permissions can add the cropped asset as a new version available for download. 

How to Crop Assets



The crop tool can be used to reduce the image size, not to enlarge images. The maximum size available is the "original" pixel dimensions of the asset.

  1. Navigate to your Asset Bank.
  2. Click the asset detail view of the asset you want to crop.
  3. Select Crop or Crop / Extend Canvas in the Info tab on the right-hand side. A crop grid will appear on the image.
  4. Drag the blue dot anchors on the corners of the grid to set the area for the crop.
  5. Name: In the Name field, you can insert a custom name for your crop. This is helpful if you save the crop as an extra version or a new asset. If you do not enter a Name, the cropped dimensions will name the file.
  6. Aspect Ratio: To set the crop grid's shape to a particular aspect ratio, select one of the available crop template dropdowns (original, landscape, portrait, square, or custom). Once checked, you can only resize the crop grid, and changing its shape will no longer be possible.
  7. Dimensions: Rather than manually updating the crop grid, you can crop the image by entering your desired height or width into the Dimensions field. The crop grid on the image conforms to the pixel dimensions you entered.
    • By default, the dimensions field is locked to maintain the original aspect ratio. If you click to unlock the aspect ratio, you can customize both the height and the width.
  8. Scale image: To resize an image, check the box next to Scale image. The preview on the left will change to reflect your cropped area only. The current dimensions of the image will appear in the height and width boxes. Enter a lower number for either your desired height or width. The other dimension will automatically adjust to maintain the aspect ratio.
    • Tip: After setting the crop grid, you can also crop and resize by entering a smaller image size.
  9. Canvas size: To extend the canvas, check the box next to Canvas size. The current dimensions of the image will appear in the height and width boxes. Enter a larger number for either the height or width. By default, the canvas size field is locked to maintain the original aspect ratio, so the other dimension will automatically adjust to maintain the aspect ratio. If you click unlock the aspect ratio, you can customize the extended canvas's height and width.
    • Use the Anchor buttons to position your image within the new canvas and the dot in the middle to center it again.
    • By default, the empty canvas will be filled with white space. Still, by checking the Transparent background, you can make the extended background transparent (Note: this does not apply to the original asset, only the extended background around it).
    • If you want a color different from the default white, you can set the preferred color in the Background color field. Enter a hex code, or click the color field square to choose from a color wheel picker.
  10. Output DPI: Select the desired DPI value for the cropped image in the Output DPI.
    • DPI (dots per inch) is a ratio that does not affect file size or the number of pixels in an image. 72 or 150 DPI are typical selections for web use, and 300 DPI is the standard for print.
  11. Format: Select the file format for the crop in the Format field. The options are JPEG or PNG only.
    • Note: If you have chosen a transparent background for the canvas, you can only select PNG.
  12. Quality: If you select JPEG for the Format, select the desired output image quality from the Quality dropdown:  
    • Maximum = 100
    • Very High = 80
    • High = 60
    • Medium = 30
    • Low = 10
      • Note: JPEG files trade quality for compression. A low-quality image results in a smaller JPEG file, while a high-quality image generates a relatively large file. This differs from lossless image formats, such as PNG, where the quality always stays the same.
  13. Finalize your crop. Select one of the following:
  • Extra version: To save the crop as a downloadable derivative, which will appear at the bottom of the asset detail view in the available files section.
    • Note: Because this option generates an entirely new asset, the original asset metadata is not carried over to the new asset.
  • New asset: To save the crop as a new asset in the portal.
  • Download: To download the cropped image to your desktop.
    • Note: You will only see the options to which you have permission.


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