Audit Requests in the Waiting Room

You can choose to have assets sent to the Waiting Room before they are sent to your Asset Bank. This helps manage the assets via upload, external uploader, Asset Workflow, or Integrations Hub to ensure they meet brand standards and are approved. You can control who has access to the Waiting Room and who can audit assets in the Waiting Room.


If you have Antivirus Scan for Uploads to Waiting Room enabled, your portal assets will be flagged for viruses.

Who can access the Waiting Room?

Users with the following right(s) can fully access the Waiting Room and audit all assets pending approval:

How to Audit Requests in the Waiting Room

  1. Navigate to Portal > Settings> Waiting Room.
  2. Filter the assets to make it easier to navigate.
  3. Select the request you would like to audit.


    You can open an asset to see a bigger preview of the asset and check the metadata if it is available.

  4. Check the Request info in the left sidebar.

  5. Select the media you would like to audit and click Approve request to approve the request or click Deny request to reject the request.

    • [Optional] Click Approve or Deny all to approve or reject all assets.

    • [Optional] Permanently delete assets by selecting them and clicking the delete-icon.png icon.


      If you deny a request, users cannot request it again. To approve a previously denied request, navigate to Denied Requests > select the asset > Approve.


How to Filter Assets in the Waiting Room

  1. Navigate to settings_menu.png

  2. Click on the Waiting room

  3. Select the filters in the left sidebar to find the assets you're looking for. The applied filters can be viewed in the top bar of the Waiting Room.

  4. Once you are done filtering the requests, you can begin approving.


Hi, how can I increase the approval limit on the waiting room? My approval limit is currently set to 20 assets per approval.

Contact Customer Support if you want to increase this limit. The maximum number of assets is 50. 


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