Antivirus Scan for Uploads

Sara Anthony
Sara Anthony
  • Updated

Bynder can scan assets uploaded via the External Uploader or Waiting Room and flag them as infected. The antivirus solution scans assets for viruses and malware before they enter the Waiting Room and quarantines those that might be malicious. Any assets flagged as malicious or unscanned due to the file size (4GB or larger) will appear in the Quarantine section of your portal.

Once an asset (under 4GB) is uploaded via the External Uploader or to the Waiting Room, it is scanned and sent to Quarantine if infected. Assets over 4 GB are automatically added to the Quarantine.

This feature/solution requires your Customer Success Contact to enable, but then individual permissions can be done by the Bynder Admin.

Who can audit assets in the quarantine

Users with the following permission can audit assets in quarantine:

  • Audit quarantined assets

Admin Tip: We recommend that the portal admin assigns a user, such as someone from IT or Infosec, to be the Quarantine Admin with the above permission.

How to View Assets in Quaratine

  1. Navigate to Settings > Quarantine.

2. You will see two categories in the left sidebar: Infected assets and Unscanned assets.

NOTE: You cannot open the preview of an asset in Quarantine. 

3. Infected assets: Assets in this section have been scanned as malicious.

4. Unscanned assets: Assets in this section have not been scanned due to file size (4GB or larger) and will remain in this section until they are either Allowed or Deleted.

5. Select the asset(s) and click Allow or Delete.

    • If you click Allow, the asset(s) can then be audited in the Waiting Room.
    • If you click Delete, the assets will be deleted from the Quarantine, and you’ll be prompted to close the Waiting Room request.

6. Once an asset is removed from the Quarantine, it must still be reviewed in the Waiting Room before being added to the Asset Bank.

Audit Assets in the Waiting Room

If you are reviewing an asset in the Waiting Room and there is a next to the asset description, it has been flagged as infected. The asset must first be reviewed in the Quarantine before you can approve or deny the upload request.

If you cannot approve the asset, contact your Bynder or Quarantine admin.
