How To Customize Your Login Page (Username/Password Setup)

Candace Estelle
Candace Estelle
  • Updated


You can customize the login page of your Bynder portal. This includes changing the colors, images and content shown. 


The bynder admin/heavy user of the portal will have access to this configuration option.


We understand the need to customize your portal login page to the look and feel of the brand or company it represents for clarity and continuity. We support this by offering admin/heavy users to customize the login page. 


Navigate to Settings > Advanced Settings > Portal Settings.edit_look_and_feel_.png

Click Login Configuration on the left sidebar, then Edit Look and Feel.


The images section allows you to customize your login page with a logo and a background image. Simply upload the image(s) you wish to use and they will be visible on the login page.


To customize the intro text you can click the  toggle_app.png to show or hide the introduction text, this text can be customized to whatever you would like. 

The example below shows the intro text for the SSO section. As the toggle_app.png is blue you can expect the text to be visible on the login page.



Click Add Translations to add translations if this option is enabled in your portal.

You can customize the button users will click to log in. Click the three_dots.pngdropdown next to the button that you would like to customize.

You can reorder the buttons by clicking the reorder_button.pngto drag and drop the buttons. Edit Label allows you to update the text of the button.

The Username and Password section can be customized as well, such as if the username and password fields display on the login page and any login text deemed necessary or helpful. You can also add translations here if the option is enabled in your portal.



The error messages section allows you to customize error messages that appear to users.

This is where you can customize your Access denied message to users if they are denied during a login attempt.

Note: This error may occur if the user is invalid, has been deactivated in the portal, or is inactive.

The Login failed  message can be customized for the user as well.

Note: This error may occur when validity checks fail.

As always you can click the Add Translations  button to add translations if enabled in your portal.

Don't forget to save changes once you finish your customizations. Once you do this the changes will be live immediately. Enjoy your new login page look!


Why can't I use this feature as a light user?

For portal security and continuity only admins/heavy users can customize look and feel.

Related Articles

Customize Portal Look and Feel

Level: Proficient

Proficient-level articles are for users who have some prior Bynder knowledge. These articles require you to know the basics and may also require higher-level portal rights to accomplish the task outlined within the article. 
