Share Content with Guide Groups

Martijn Steur
Martijn Steur
  • Updated

Guide groups enable creators to organize and manage their guides effectively before sharing them with a wider audience. Only the group owner and users with Manager permissions can see the groups by default. However, you can choose to share groups with other users as needed.

You can share groups with others in two ways:

  • Change group access to All users.
  • Add specific users, user groups, or permission profiles as Viewers or Editors.

How to Share Content with Guide Groups

  1. Navigate to Guide> Groups.
  2. Hover over the group you want to make available to other users, click  hamburger_menu.png  on Share,

  3. In the access dropdown at the top of the screen, choose one of the following: 
    • Restricted: Only visible to selected users or groups. 
    • All users: Available to all Brand Guidelines users.
  4. Search for specific users, user groups, or permission profiles to give them access.
  5. Next to the user or group, click the dropdown and assign one of these roles:

    • Viewer: You can view the guide group.
    • Editor: You can view and edit the guide group.
  6. (Optional) Click the Copy link to copy the direct URL of the group to your clipboard. 
  7. Share it with users who have access.
  8. Click Save Changes to apply the new settings.

How to Hide a Group from Users

The owner and users can now only access the group with the Manager's permission. The removed user, user groups, and permission profiles can no longer access the guide group.

  1. Navigate to Guides> Groups.
  2. Hover over the group you want to hide, click  hamburger_menu.png
  3. Select Share.
  4. Open the dropdown at the top of the access screen and select the Restricted option.
    • (If applicable) Open the dropdown next to a user, user group, and permission profile and click Remove to remove their access rights to the guide group.
  5. Click Save changes

Important Information

  • Assigning Viewer or Editor roles overrides existing permission profiles.
    • Example: If a user’s Guide profile is set to Viewer but added as an Editor for a specific guide group, they will now have edit access to that group.
  • By default, group owners have access to all guides in their group.
  • If a group is shared with all users, the guides inside the group also become available to all.
  • If the group’s access is restricted to specific users or permission profiles, access to the guides inside it follows the same rules.
  • You can override inherited permissions by:
    • Adding or removing users, user groups, or profiles to/from the group.
    • Changing access settings for specific individuals or groups.