Upload Animated GIF Assets

Martijn Steur
Martijn Steur
  • Updated

If you have animated GIF files and want your users to view the animation directly in Bynder, our asset detail view provides animated playback for an immediate viewing experience.

This feature/solution requires your Customer Success Contact to enable, but then individual permissions can be done by the Bynder Admin.

How to Upload an Animated GIF Assets

  1. Follow the steps to upload an asset. 
  2. Under the Advanced Rights section mark the asset as public.
    Without this, the GIF preview will not be animated!
  3. Select Store Selected Files to complete the upload process.
  4. Once your asset is uploaded you can view your animated GIF asset.

How to View Animated Gift Assets

  1. Filter or search for the animated GIF asset. 

  2.  The animation will start playing as soon as the file is opened in Asset Detail View.
