Update the Workflow Status of an Item in Content Workflow

Bruno Wilson
Bruno Wilson
  • Updated

To manage your content from planning to publication, update the workflow status for each item as you go. This helps track progress at every stage. Keeping the workflow status current lets you see which phase each piece of content is in, whether it's brainstorming, drafting and editing, or ready for final review and publication.

From the Item Editor

  1. Navigate to the item you want to update.
  2. Click the name of the current workflow status at the top of the page.[CW] Workflow dropdown.png
  3. Select the status to which you want to move the item and click [CW] Set status.png.[CW] Workflow Set Status.png
  4. Done! The item has now moved to your chosen workflow status.

You also have the opportunity to add a note when changing the workflow status. This note will appear in the notification email that is sent.

Tip: Only those assigned to the item or @mentioned in a note will be notified of the status change.

From the Content Hub

  1. Navigate to the project's content hub.[CW] Content Hub.png
  2. Select the items for which you want to update the workflow status by clicking inside the check box.[CW] Checkbox bulk action.png
  3. They should appear highlighted once selected.
  4. You can hold Shift ⇧ on the keyboard to select multiple items with a single click.
  5. From the bulk action bar at the bottom of the page, select [CW] Update workflow.png to open the workflow modal.
  6. Choose the status from the dropdown box to which you'd like to move these items.[CW] Bulk Action Workflow update.png
  7. Select 2c8154a6-7048-4972-962a-0b9ba7a4acddnext to Notify anybody? to notify a team manager of the status change. 
  8. If you want to leave a note with the change, click Add message... after choosing your colleague.[CW] Notify and Add Message.png
  9. Once you're happy, click Confirm to apply for the chosen status, and you're done.

Tip: Assignees will always be notified of status changes, so you don't need to manually select them to receive the notification.

For more information about due dates click here.
