The Universal Compact View is a component that lets you select assets to add to your content. It provides a simplified version of the asset overview screen and uses Bynder's API to offer search, filter, and sort functions. With this view, you can add images, videos, documents, and audio assets, along with their original files, derivatives, metadata, and tags, to an external content system.
Before you Begin
This feature/solution requires your Customer Success Contact to enable, but then individual permissions can be done by the Bynder Admin.
Your portal needs to be set up with a custom CDN.
All assets that you want to use in the Compact View need to be marked as public.
Depending on your user rights and the configuration of your portal the Universal Compact View on your side may differ from the Universal Compact View shown in the examples and screenshots of this article.
Make sure Universal Compact View is integrated into your external content system or make use of one of our native plugins that already have the Universal Compact View installed. Technical implementation instructions are available here.
If your company's Bynder URL is already prefilled in the pop-up, click on Connect. If not, enter the URL of the Bynder portal and click on Connect. A pop-up will open, which allows you to authenticate to the Bynder environment.
Login to the portal in the usual way.
Use the (smart)filter bar to filter or search for the assets you need. Images, videos, documents and audio files can be added via the Universal Compact View.
Do you need more information on an asset? Hover your mouse over the thumbnail and click
to open the asset detail screen.
If applicable, use the dropdown at the bottom of the Universal Compact View to select whether you want to add the original file or one of the available public derivatives.
The asset needs to be marked as public in order for the original file to be available.
This dropdown is only available when adding a single asset. Depending on your Universal Compact View setup, it may not be available at all.
Click Add asset(s) to add the asset(s) to your content page.