You can use Print Brand Templates in Creative Workflow presets so that users can easily customize marketing collateral or business cards. When a template is linked to a preset, and users create a job based on this preset, they will be able to select the template they want to use and adjust the template details.
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As an administrator, you can upload your own InDesign files to Bynder and turn them into a template. If you have the Upload a POD template permission and when the Print Brand Templates DIY feature is enabled for your portal you can also update versions of the template. If you upload a new version, it will replace the old one. For guidelines on how to prepare a template, see Prepare your InDesign package.
Alternatively, you can contact your Customer Success Manager and send the files to Bynder for conversion and upload. You need to make sure your files meet Bynder guidelines. See Prepare your InDesign package.
If you are an admin, you can easily edit templates and presets, as well as create new template presets.
A Print Brand Template is a representation of the InDesign package, and contains restrictions and adjustments such as image collection locations, modification rules, text size and content limitations, or settings for drop-down lists. A Print Brand Template preset is an adjusted and saved version of a Print Brand Template where a user can specify new image sources, set default images, pre-fill text content and limit modification of editable elements.
If you have the Upload a POD template right, you can also add new templates and download a ZIP file with template contents. The download button displays in template settings, when you select a template to edit.
Go to Settings > Brand templates > Template Management and click List of presets and templates to start editing the settings of your Print Brand Templates and presets. You need to have the Manage templates permission to access the page.
In the Portal's Template Management you can only edit the text and images that have been marked as editable (have filled-in script labels) in the original InDesign file. See Prepare your InDesign package. For any other changes, the InDesign files needs to be modified and reuploaded.
Make sure you select Show: Templates in the overview.
Click on a template to edit.
(Optional) Update the name of the template.
In the template output section, select the output format for the final product users will be creating in a Print Brand Templates workflow. Then, if users will create a product based on this template, or based on a preset generated from this template, they will have a choice of outputs you have defined. If you do not define any output, the default is PDF.
If you select your main output to be PNG, you can select to have it compressed or not compressed. For compressed PNGs, you can customize your color depth to have fewer than the default 256 colors.
If you select PDF as an extra output, you can also select the type of PDF preset that you want as the output. Click the PDF Preset drop-down to see a list of predefined or custom PDF presets available for your account.
Decide if you want to switch on the TOOLBAR for users. The toolbar will display when users will edit the template.
The toolbar works for editable images and will be displayed in the Template editor if the template has as least one editable image. The toolbar allows you to control the available modifications to each image image such as changing source, dragging, scaling, or reverting to the initial state.
(Optional) Use search string to locate the files you want to use as images in your template or preset. Alternatively, you can define the image source, or decide that preset users can pick an image from the asset bank, from within their own images, or both. If you select both, define which tab should open as the default one (default image source) when users want to select another image.
When you edit an image:
select No transformation for the image in the template to take up the whole frame.
select Custom transformation to allow users to drag and scale images within the image frame.
Select the initial position for your image in the frame The middle center position is the default one. If you select a value in the initial position, make sure you select scaling or dragging as well. Otherwise your settings will be changed to No transformation when you save.
In the Initial position: cover the image covers the image field completely. When you scale the image you will not be able to scale it below the initial cover size (100%). You will be able to drag the image as long as it does not leave a part of the frame empty. If you edit the image and the new image is larger than the frame, it will be scaled to be slightly larger than the frame. This option only works if you have dragging and scaling selected, and/or the toolbar enabled.
If you have selected an initial position different than Initial position: cover and Initial position: middle center (default), then you can also select to stick the image to the selected position point. Then you will be able to scale and drag your image as long as it sticks to this position point.
You have 8 points on the frame (4 corners and the middle of each of the 4 sides). If you select your initial position to be bottom left, your image will have to stick to the bottom left corner.
If you have selected Scaling it might be handy to select Request high resolution as well. This will send a request to generate a thumbnail with higher resolution when a new image is placed in the frame. The high quality thumbnail will replace the standard thumbnail on the fly.
If you leave the high resolution option empty, the web-version thumbnail will be used.
For Scaling, you can decide what the minimum and the maximum of your scale should be. For example, If you enter 1 in the Min field, your minimum will be 100% (so the initial image size). Use the Step field to determine the steps on your scale (0.01 stands for 1% of the initial size, 1 stands for 100%). For example if you have a scale from 100% to 500% (1 in the Min and 5 in the Max field) and you enter 2 in the Step field (200% difference between each step), you will be able to select: the minimum (100%) and the maximum (500%) value, and a value of 300%. All the values in between these three options will not be accessible. Note that the min and max value must be different and the step value cannot be "0".
If Scaling is enabled, the initial scale value for each image will be 100%, regardless of the dimensions of the original image in the asset bank or the initial position type. This percentage only describes the relation between the image size and its frame. For example, if the frame width is 500 pixels, then the images with 50 pixel width or 5000 pixel width will be initially positioned with the width of 500 pixels. Also the scale level will be set to 100% for both .
Define the Positioning and Sizing. The values of the setting define the minimum size and quality required for the image to meet the desired print quality. If an image does not meet the defined criteria, a warning message displays. To avoid the message, set the PPI value to 0.
When you edit a text, for example, a title, you can select paragraph and character styles based on the style list from the InDesign package used to create this template. The InDesign styles are the styles available in Template settings. Users will be able to select one of the styles when editing the template. You can also select Formatting buttons that will be available for users.
Make sure you select the styles and formatting buttons that are in line with your InDesign template because these will be the styles users will be able to choose from when they edit templates or presets later on. Additionally, if you want to enable Bold as a button, make sure you have uploaded the bold versions of fonts in the INDD file. The bold version needs to be provided for every font you might want to bold later on.
In the Pre-filled content section, click the + icon to display the options.
Select User data and a specific value, for example, Name, so that when a user edits the template in a workflow job, their name is automatically entered in this text block.
To manage spacing, select the Separator (to add line break or paragraph break) or Custom content (to add any text characters). For example if you want to display the name and surname, select User data > Name, click the plus icon to add more content, select Custom content and add a space in Value field, click the plus icon and select User data > Surname.
Select Custom content and enter your content to display it.
It might happen that if you start entering text in a text field of your template or preset, and the text field grows and overlaps another field on the page. These fields are shown as colliding (even though sometimes they are not), and you cannot save and continue. To prevent this from happening, you can disable the Collision toggle. Collision is enabled by default, and should only be disabled when it creates issues in templates or presets.
Save your template.
To create a preset based on the template, go back to the overview, hover over the template, and click on the template.
If you would like to delete a template you can do so navigating to template settings and click on delete template
If you accidentally delete your template please contact your Customer Success Manager to restore it.
Normally, you decide in the template settings which parts of the template the user can edit. The preset shows you which parts of the template have been enabled or disabled on the template level. For example, if you see the TOOLBAR option enabled on the preset level, you can only disable it on the template level. To quickly move between presets and template, open the TEMPLATE AND RELATED PRESETS drop-down list and select the template the preset is based on to open the template.
Make sure you select Show: Presets in the overview.
Click on the preset to edit.
(Optional) Update the name of the preset.
(Optional) If you create a number of different presets based on a template, you might not want to limit the image editing options on the template level, but to define the options on the preset level. In this way, you do not have to maintain versions of the same template and you can use one template for a number of presets. Clear Inherit template values for this image. Then the preset will allow for edits to the image defined in the template settings.
(Optional) Use search to locate the items you want to use as images in your template or preset.
When you edit an image:
add a search string for users to know which images they can select. Make sure you also select Asset library > All assets as the IMAGE SOURCE. For more information on search strings, see Use search strings to link to specific filter results.Alternatively, you can select a collection as the source, or allow users to select an image they have uploaded (select Personal uploads).
(optional) if you have selected both the Asset Library and Personal uploads as image sources, select the DEFAULT IMAGE SOURCE. It defines the default location of the images users can use when they edit a template or preset in workflow. It can be Asset library (displaying assets from the Asset Library) or Personal uploads (displaying personal uploads).
define the minimum requirements for the width, height and the PPI value of the image. Then if, a user tries to use an image that does not meet the requirements, a warning displays.
When you edit text, for example, a title, you can select the style based on the InDesign options uploaded with this template. You can define Paragraph and Character styles that are different from the template ones. The selection will not be overridden by a different selection on the template level.
Pre-filled content, table styles and drop-down style changes require backend adjustments, so notify your Customer Success Manager, if you require them.
If you want to lock a section in the preset to prevent users from editing it, select View Only in this section.
The locked sections will also be visible in the left-hand overview.
Click Save or Fill preset. If you select to fill the preset, you go to the Preset editor where you can view the preset and introduce changes. If you select Fill preset, you have the following options:
Save and fill - saves your changes and takes you to the editor where you can view and change the content of your preset.
Fill without saving - discards recent changes and takes you to the preset editor where you can view and change the last saved version of the preset.
If you would like to delete a preset you can do so navigating to preset settings and click on delete preset
If you think downloading preview in the Print Brand Templates editor might prevent users from finishing a workflow job, you can disable the button for some users. Go to Settings > Users & rights > Permission Management and select Disable template previewsDisable template previews. Enabling the permission allows users to see the Download preview button in the Print Brand Templates editor and download the PDF preview.
Create a job preset and link the template preset to the job preset. In this way users will be able to use and modify the templates based on your settings.
Go to Settings > Workflow > Preset Management and click + Add preset to create a Print Brand Templates preset.
Select Use own templates and choose the templates that will be available to the user.
(Optional) You can disable the download of a template preview for some profiles. To do this, select Disable asset download for profiles, and select a profile that should not be able to download the preview.
Create the stages for the preset.
If you want the user to choose templates in a specific stage, select Templates in the Type drop-down for this stage
Select Enable asset upload if you want to allow users to upload their own assets to be used in the template.
Save the preset.
If you use the Adobe Suite and generate .joboptions files that you want to use for PDF template outputs, you can upload them and rename as necessary. Then, you can select this file when you decide on the output formats for templates.
Go to Settings > Brand templates > Template Management and click PDF presets management.
Drag and drop your .joboptions file. When the file has uploaded it displays in the PDF presets added to this account section.
(Optional) Click the preset name to edit it. You can only edit the names for the presets that have been added to your account. The global PDF presets are read-only. When you edit the preset click the save icon.