Sync Content Workflow Due Dates to External Calendars

Sara Anthony
Sara Anthony
  • Updated

You can connect specific project calendars with your external calendar to stay informed about upcoming due dates. This synchronization feature is compatible with Google Calendar, Apple iCal, and Microsoft Outlook Calendar. When syncing a calendar, you can select whether to sync deadlines assigned to you or deadlines for all project members.

How to Sync Content Workflow Due Dates to External Calendars

  1. Navigate to Content Workflow.
  2. Select the Calendar tab in your project.
  3. Each project has its calendar, which must be synchronized individually.
  4. Click the link at the bottom of the page Subscribe to iCal,Google Calendar or Outlook.
  5. Customize your sync and confirm. 
  6. If you are having trouble syncing to the right calendar, you can right-click on the link and choose to copy the link address. You can paste the link into your desired calendar to set it up more directly. 
  7. Set up the options in your preferred calendar.
  8. We recommend you refresh the due dates every 5 minutes to ensure consistency in your calendars. 