Export a Content Workflow Item(s) into PDF or Word Document

Sara Anthony
Sara Anthony
  • Updated

You can export items from Content Workflow items into Word or PDF documents. This is helpful for external reviews or for obtaining a hard copy of your project for offline use. Items can be exported in two formats: export item (contains the item's content, tab information, guidelines fields, metadata, field labels, and their instructions). Export content contains the content and no additional information.

Export a Single Item

  1. Navigate to the item you would like to export.
  2. In the toolbar in the top right corner select Screenshot 2024-04-09 at 3.43.12 PM.pngand select Export.
  3. You can choose from the following options: Export Item (Export as Word or Export as PDF) or Export Content (Export as Word or Export as PDF). 
  4.  Once you select your option it will automatically trigger a download in your browser. It may take a moment to process the file.


Exporting content only


Export More than One Item

  1. Navigate to your Content Hub in the main navigation.
  2. Select the item you would like to export. Once selected it will appear highlighted..
    Export Content multiple selected 
    • Hold Shift on your keyboard to select multiple items

      Export Content holding shift.png
  3. In the bottom left toolbar, select Export item.
  4. Choose Export as Word or PDF
    Export multiple items dropdown
  5. Wait for your download to process, and click Download PDF / Download Word.


GatherContent is now Content Workflow by Bynder. As a result, we are migrating knowledge-based articles to Bynder knowledge base. If, during the migration, you are unable to find an article related to Content Workflow, please visit here. We apologize for any inconvenience.    
