Create Collections

Martijn Steur
Martijn Steur
  • Updated

A Collection is a grouping of assets that can be organized and shared. Collections can be public for anyone to view or shared selectively with users who can then access the collection even if they lack general permissions. By default, Collections are only visible to the creator unless you want to share them or mark them as public. You can create a Collection from your Asset Bank View or the Collections tab.

You can feature Collections on your homepage to drive users to specific Collections of assets.

Learn how to manage the permissions of each Collection and transfer collection ownership.

Who can create Collections?

Users with the following permissions can create their own Collections:

Create a New Collection from Asset Bank View

  1. Navigate to your Asset Bank.
  2. You can either search or filter assets to add to a Collection.
  3. Select the assets you would like to add.
  4. Navigate to the toolbar and select Screenshot 2023-12-22 at 12.33.12 PM.png

    Screenshot 2023-12-22 at 12.32.35 PM.png

  5. A pop-up window will open where you can add the Collection Name and Description.

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  6. Click Add Collection. 
  7. Your Collection has now been created and can be viewed in My Collections under the Collections tab.

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  8. It is important to share your Collection with the permission profile, user group, or users to whom you want to access or help manage it. Learn more about managing Collection permissions here.
  9. Learn how to add assets to existing collections.

Create a New Collection from the Collections Tab

  1. Navigate to your portal.
  2. Select the Collections tab.
  3. In the top right corner, select Screenshot 2024-05-21 at 9.15.47 PM.png

    Screenshot 2024-05-29 at 1.50.34 PM.png

  4. A pop-up window will appear where you can add the name and description of your new Collection. 
  5. Click Save Changes
  6. Learn how to add assets to existing collections.

Edit Thumbnail of a Collection

You can edit the thumbnail of a collection only if you are the owner or manager of the Collection. Learn more about Collection permissions here


Only Image files can be used as Thumbnails—PDF files are not supported, even if they have an Image derivative.

We recommend using 16:10 images.

  1. Navigate to the Collections tab.
  2. Hover over the Collection> Edit Collection.

    Screenshot 2024-06-03 at 12.50.42 PM.png

  3. A window will pop up with Collection details. Scroll down to the Thumbnail section. 

    Screenshot 2024-06-03 at 12.51.38 PM.png

  4. Select Three dots.pngEdit thumbnail.
  5. Search or navigate the Asset Bank or Collections to locate the image you’d like to use as a collection thumbnail. 

    Screenshot 2024-06-03 at 12.53.07 PM.png

  6.  After selecting an asset, you can preview the thumbnail before saving.

    Screenshot 2024-06-03 at 12.53.36 PM.png


Can I edit the thumbnail of my Collection?

Yes, you can edit the image in your Collection's thumbnail.

Is there a limit to the number of assets you can add to a Collection?

We recommend not going above 15k assets. 
