Configure Webhook Notifications

Martijn Steur
Martijn Steur
  • Updated

Implement webhooks to gain efficiencies and optimize integration processes. Bynder utilizes Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS)) to send real-time alerts to your external systems. By eliminating the need for constant polling and waiting for updates, webhooks provide real-time information, leading to a more optimized integration process.

  • Faster response times: Systems can react immediately to changes.
  • Reduced resource consumption: Less server load and bandwidth usage.
  • Improved system performance: More efficient use of system resources.

Customize your notifications by selecting specific events (e.g., new asset upload, metadata update, archive, delete) and their corresponding destinations. Each notification includes detailed information about the change (type, asset ID, timestamp) in JSON format, allowing for further verification through the API.

You can create up to 10 webhook configurations as a default setting. We can assess the need to increase this on a case-by-case basis. For HTTPS endpoints, ensure proper setup by following AWS documentation on receiving Amazon SNS notifications.

Important Information

  • If you want to create more than ten configurations, please reach out to your Customer Success Contact.
  • Notification types may vary depending on which modules you have enabled in your Bynder account. Sign up to receive our new features newsletter for future additions to event notifications, or check out our community for access to our product roadmap.
  • Bynder supports standard SQS queues. SQS FIFO queues aren't supported.
  • After receiving the webhook notification from Bynder, we recommend adding a small delay of 3-5 seconds before retrieving the asset data via the API.

How to Navigate to Webhooks Settings

  1. Navigate to your Portal > Advanced Settings > Portal Settings.
  2. On the left-hand side, select Webhooks.
  3. Select Configuring Webhooks > Configure New
  4. Add the name of the selected Webhook.
  5. Choose the desired protocol for receiving notifications. 

How to Configure an Email Endpoint

  1. Name your Connection
  2. Select Email or Email-JSON  from the Protocol dropdown menu (the difference is the Email-JSON protocol will format the data in the email into JSON format. The Email protocol will give you the same data, but not in JSON format)
  3. Input an email address to receive notifications.


    - Make sure to check your spam folder for messages. 

    - Can we include a note that the notification fields are default (e.g., created, updated, deleted) and we are unable to create custom notification events?
  4. Choose the events you want to track (e.g., created, updated, deleted). You can always update and edit this later.
  5. Click Save
  6. Check your email for a confirmation notification from the endpoint.
  7. Confirm subscription in the body of the email. 
  8. Once confirmed, refresh the page to ensure the setup is complete.

How to Configure an HTTP or HTTPS Endpoint

  1. Name your Connection
  2. Select HTTP or HTTPS from the Protocol dropdown menu
  3. Put in your HTTP or HTTPS endpoint
    • Make sure your endpoint is configured correctly according to this AWS Documentation.
  4. Choose the events you want to track (e.g., creates, updates, and deletes). You can always update and edit this later.
  5. Select Next > Configure.
  6. Your endpoint should receive a Subscription Verification message containing a Subscription Verification URL link.
    • The Subscription Verification message will come directly from AWS.
  7. Click the link/paste it into a browser window, and that will confirm the endpoint. 
    • You have 48 hours to confirm the endpoint before the URL expires. If that occurs, you will need to re-do the setup.
  8. If you don't get a Subscription Confirmation on your endpoint, please make sure it is set up correctly and that the correct HTTPS URL is present in the setup.


There is no way to re-send the Subscription Verification email, so you must delete the connection and set up a new one.

How to Configure an Amazon SQS Endpoint

  1. Name your Connection
  2. Select Amazon SQS from the Protocol dropdown menu
  3. Put in the ARN of your SQS queue and select Next
  4. You will get a window with a Security Policy on the next screen
    • Please add this security policy to your SQS queue to whitelist notifications from Bynder. When you add it to your SQS setup, the Resource section of the security policy should be replaced by your SQS queue name.
  5. Choose the events you want to track (e.g., creates, updates, and deletes). You can always update and edit this later.
  6. Select Next > Configure.
  7. Your SQS queue should receive a Subscription Verification message containing a Subscription Verification URL link. 
    • Select the link and paste it into a browser window, and that will confirm the endpoint. You have 48 hours to confirm the endpoint before the URL expires. If that occurs, you will need to re-do the setup.
  8. If you don't get a Subscription Confirmation on your endpoint, please ensure it is set up correctly and that the right SQS ARN is in the setup.


There is no way to re-send the Subscription Verification email, so you must delete the connection and set up a new one.


How to Edit, Delete, or Disable Your Webhook Connection

Note that you cannot edit the HTTPS/HTTP, email, or SQS endpoints by clicking the Edit button; you need to create a new connection if you want to a different endpoint).

  1. Navigate to your Portal > Advanced Settings > Portal Settings.
  2. On the left-hand side, select Webhooks.
  3. Select Configuring Webhooks
  4. Navigate to the Webhook you want to edit, delete, or disable. 
  5. Select Edit.  

Notification Types

The table below lists the notification types that are currently supported. The Name column indicates the name value of the SNS notification that will be sent to the external system.

SNS notification


Media uploaded to Asset Bank.

This applies to each asset uploaded via the Mass Uploader

New version uploaded to existing media or change of active version*

Media set to archived*

Media deleted

Media metadata change (title, description, or any metaproperty change)*

A New Asset Workflow job is created in the Portal or via the API

workflow. Job. create


  • When an Asset is marked as Archived material, two (2) notifications are sent:
  • When moving an Archived asset from Archive status to Active, only "" is sent.

Example of a JSON Notification

Below is an example of an '' SNS notification in JSON format, which follows the same formatting as returned via our API.

        "media_id": "29***99D-BA27-***B-94E0F070DA***CAC",
        "media": {
                "userCreated": "Integrations Bynder",
                "limited": 0
                "watermarked": 0,
                "mediaItems": [{
                        "version": 1,
                        "active": 1,
                        "dateCreated": "2019-12-10T10:35:14Z",
                        "fileName": null,
                        "id": "141***DD-E8C4-***B-A4CC949B1E4E0F27",
                        "size": 3824,
                        "height": 19,
                        "width": 24,
                        "focusPoint": {
                                "x": 12.0,
                                "y": 9.5
                }, {
                        "version": 1,
                        "active": 1,
                        "dateCreated": "2019-12-10T10:35:14Z",
                        "fileName": null,
                        "id": "D463***C-EA27-4E9B-8B***2309B62BE87",
                        "size": 1670,
                        "height": 19,
                        "width": 24,
                        "focusPoint": {
                                "x": 12.0,
                                "y": 9.5
                "activeOriginalFocusPoint": {
                        "x": 12.0,
                        "y": 9.5
                "archive": 0,
                "brandId": "8F7***4F-***8-4F32-902E2501A6433462",
                "copyright": "",
                "datePublished": "2019-12-10T10:35:13Z",
                "dateCreated": "2019-12-10T10:35:13Z",
                "description": "",
                "dateModified": "2020-02-07T16:30:16Z",
                "extension": ["png"],
                "fileSize": 1670,
                "height": 19,
                "id": "29***99D-BA27-***B-94E0F070DA5DECAC",
                "idHash": "55261de977ff5163",
                "isPublic": 0,
                "name": "test",
                "orientation": "landscape",
                "tags": [],
                "type": "image",
                "width": 24,
                "property_Country": ["France", "Germany", "Belgium"]
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