Variations enable you to easily create versions of your original design and save time by customizing specific elements like language-specific text without starting from scratch each time. You can create up to 50 variations for a design by manually creating a new variation, duplicating an existing variation, or creating variations using data in a spreadsheet.
This feature/solution requires your Customer Success Contact to enable, but then individual permissions can be done by the Bynder Admin.
Who can create new variations in Studio?
- All Studio users
Create a New Variation
- Navigate to Studio.
Create a new design or edit an existing one.
In the upper right-hand corner, navigate and select the Variations tab.
Click the + button.
A new variation titled Variation 02 will be created with the default settings from the original template.
- Select Variation 02 and then navigate back to the Image section.
- Adjust/ customize the new variation.
- Click Save> Publish.
Duplicate a Variation
- Navigate to your design.
In the upper right-hand corner, navigate and select the Variations tab.
Hover over the variation you want to duplicate, click
select Duplicate.
Your existing variation will be duplicated and you can now start customizing your new variation.
Reset a Variation
- Navigate to your design.
In the upper right-hand corner, navigate and select the Image or Videotab.
Scroll to the bottom and select Reset all data.
- This will revert the variation back to the default template configuration. This action can't be undone.
Delete a Variation
Warning! Deleting a Variation is permanent and can't be restored.
- Navigate to Studio.
Create a new design or edit an existing one.
In the upper right-hand corner, navigate and select the Variations tab.
Hover over the variation you want to delete, click
select Delete.
Read the warning message carefully and click Delete to remove the variation and all its customizations permanently.
NOTE: This action cannot be undone.