By default guide groups are only visible to the group owner and users with the Manager permission. This allows Brand Guidelines editors to first create and manage the guides inside a group before making it available to other users.
The Guide groups feature is only available for the Enterprise Brand Guidelines plan.
Would you like to organize your guides into groups? Contact your Customer Success Manager to discuss upgrade possibilities.
The default group access is restricted, which means the group is visible to and only editable by the group owner and users with the Manager permission.
On the overview page you can recognize these groups by the icon below the thumbnails. When you open a group and see the icon in the top bar you know it's only visible to the group owner.
In addition to the group owner, the group can be shared with other Brand Guidelines users by granting them either the Viewer or Editor permission for that group.
On the overview page you can recognize these groups by the icon below the thumbnails. When you open a group and see the icon in the top bar, you know it is visible to and/or editable by the specified users, user groups and/or permission profiles.
Groups with this access type can be viewed by all users who have access to Brand Guidelines. Users will be able to edit or view the group based on their profile permissions enabled for Brand Guidelines.
On the guide overview page you can recognize these groups by the icon below the thumbnails. When you open a group and see the icon in the top bar, you know it's visible to all users who can view Brand Guidelines.
By default groups are only visible to the owner of the group and users with the Manager. Follow the steps below to share groups with other users.
There are two ways you can share the group with other users. You can change the group access to All users or by adding specific users, user groups or profile permissions as viewers or editors of that group.
Go to Brand Guidelines.
Hover over the group you want to make available to other users, click the button and click Share.
Open the dropdown at the top of the screen and select one of the following options
All users
Search for users, user groups and/or permission profiles and click their name to give them access to the guide group.
Open the dropdown next to a user, user group and/or permission profile and select whether they should be Viewer or Editor for this guide group.
(Optional) Click the Copy link to copy the direct URL to this guide group. The link will be copied to your clipboard and you can share this with other Brand Guideline users who have access to this guide group.
Click Save changes
Adding users as Viewers or Editors overrules the permissions in their permission profile.
For example, if you add a user as an Editor to a specific guide group this user will now be able to view and edit that specific guide group even if their Brand Guidelines permission profile is set to Viewer.
Group owners by default have access to all guides that belong to that guide group.
When a group is shared with all Brand Guidelines users, so will the guides that belong to it. Similarly, when a group is restricted to specific users, user groups and/or permission profiles, so will the guides that are part of it.
Guide inherited permissions can be overridden by adding or removing users, user groups, permission profiles or changing set access.
Go to Brand Guidelines.
Hover over the group you want to hide, click the button and click Share.
Open the dropdown located at the top of the access screen and select the Restricted option.
(If applicable) Open the dropdown next to a user, user group and/or permission profile and click Remove to remove their access rights to the guide group.
Click Save changes
The group can now only be accessed by the owner and users with the Manager permission. The removed user, user groups and/or permission profiles can no longer access the guide group.