Share Your Ideas And Feedback

Martijn Steur
Martijn Steur
  • Updated

Innovation is one of Bynder's core values, we are constantly improving and modernizing our products. One of the best ways to know what should be improved or added is from customer feedback. 

The Bynder Roadmap

As a Bynder customer, you can find our Product Roadmap within our Community. If this is your first time accessing the Community you will need to create an account. 

The Bynder Roadmap directly responds to your feedback and gives you more transparency into our product development cycles so you can better understand what we've released, what we're actively working on, and what we are considering building.

How To Share Feedback

We recommend you participate in the Bynder Community and join the discussion. Here you can vote on the Product Roadmap and tell us how important these ideas are to you.

You can also provide specific product feedback to your Customer Success Contact or you can contact Support.

We encourage you to join an upcoming webinar during which the Bynder team will share recent releases and plans as well as ask for feedback directly from our customers.

You can join product feedback sessions. We'll publicize these sessions during roadmap webinars, conversations with your Customer Support Contact, or as a part of beta testing programs.


Recommended Feedback Structure

Please use the structure below when sharing feedback via the Product Roadmap or with your Customer Success Contact or the Support team. In doing so, our team can understand your needs more clearly. 

"As a [user] from [Business Name], I [want to...], [so that...]. This is [degree at which it is important, i.e. nice to have, necessary etc...]":

  • [user] describes the type of user in Bynder, not your personal title.

  • [want to] outline the user's intent—what are you trying to achieve? Do not describe the UI here.

  • [so that] refers to the bigger picture being addressed.

Once the team receives your feedback, we will share it with the Product team, and evaluate the idea for consideration in the roadmap.

Every piece of feedback is reviewed and considered.


