Kentico Xperience Integration

  • Updated

Would you like to use your Bynder assets in Kentico Xperience? Use Bynder as your single source of truth and save yourself the time of uploading your image assets twice by integrating Kentico Xperience with Bynder.

Once you've added a Bynder image selector to a Kentico Xperience page type field, you can directly add your Bynder image assets to your Kentico content. The integration makes use of the CDN URLs. By using the CDN URLs you can ensure that the latest version of the assets is always available in your Kentico Xperience content.


Are you looking to integrate with the headless CMS solution Kentico Kontent instead? Read more about our integration with Kentico Kontent here.

How to Set Up the Kentico Xperience Integration?

Deploy the code of the Bynder image selector custom element for Kentico Xperience in order to enable the integration. Read the installation instructions here.

Before you can start adding Bynder images to your Kentico content you first need to add a Bynder image selector to a Kentico Xperience page type field. Follow these steps to set that up.

How to Add Bynder Images to Kentico Xperience Articles?

Once the integration is set up follow the steps below to add Bynder images to your Kentico content.

  1. In the administration section of your Kentico Xperience go to Pages and edit the article you want to add a Bynder image to.

  2. Click the Select button in the Bynder Image section. The Compact View will open. If your company's Bynder portal URL is already filled in in the pop-up, click Connect. If not, enter the URL in the below format. A popup will open, which allows you to log in to your Bynder environment.

  3. In the Asset tab use the filter bar or search bar to filter and search for the asset you need. Select the asset you need and click Add asset to add the image to your article. Alternatively, use the Collection tab select an asset from a collection. Inside the collection select the asset that you want to add and click Add asset. A preview of the image will be visible in the Bynder image section.


    You can only add one asset. Selecting multiple assets is not supported.

  4. Click Save in the top bar to save your page.


  • The integration only supports adding image assets. Other file formats such as video and audio files are not supported. Please contact Kentico Xperience for more information.