Campaigns allow you to better categorize your templates and the documents users create. When you have templates with common objectives but targeting different channels you can group them under a campaign. You can for example place all your social media templates that focus on the holiday season under a summer holiday campaign. This way you have an easy-to-access overview where you can find all the documents users created.
The campaign visibility feature is only available for the advanced package of Digital Brand Templates. Not on the advanced package yet? Contact your Customer Success Contact to discuss upgrading possibilities.
For each campaign the visibility can be set up. This way, you can decide who can create documents that are assigned to that campaign and who can view the already created documents. By default campaigns are private and only visible to the user who created the campaign. Other administrators are also not able to see private campaigns. There are three visibility options:
Campaigns with this visibility can only be viewed and edited by the user who created that campaign. The same goes for creating or viewing documents that belong to that campaign. In the visibility screen private campaigns are indicated by the icon.
Specific users
Campaigns with this visibility can be viewed by the specified permission profiles, user groups and users. The same goes for creating or viewing documents that belong to that campaign. In the visibility screen the icon indicates that a campaign is set to specific users. The specified users still need to have access to Digital Brand Templates in order to access the campaign.
All users
Campaigns with this visibility can be viewed by all users who have access to Digital Brand Templates. The same goes for creating or viewing documents that belong to that campaign. In the visibility screen the icon indicates that a campaign is set to all users. Users do need to have the right permissions for Digital Brand Templates in order to access the campaign and create documents that belong to that campaign.
When you make a campaign visible to users they will be able to do the following:
Access the campaign
View the created documents that are part of the campaign.
Create documents that are assigned to that campaign.
Follow the steps below to make a campaign visible to specific users or all users.
Click Campaigns in the left sidebar.
Hover over the campaign you want to set the campaign visibility for.
Click the
icon and click Campaign visibility.
In the visibility screen click the Change dropdown and select Specific users.
Use the search bar to search for the permission profile, user group or user account and click one of the returned results to add the permission profile, user group or user account.
Alternatively, you can click the Change dropdown and select All users to make the guide visible to all users.
Do you documents need to be approved by approvers?
Make sure to add the approvers to the list of specified users as well.
(Optional) Repeat the previous step as often as necessary to add other permission profiles, users groups or users.
Click Save to save the changes.
Click Campaigns in the left sidebar.
Hover over the campaign you want to set the campaign visibility for.
Click the
icon and click Campaign visibility.
Deselect all the selected permission profiles, user groups or users. Hover over the name and click the
icon. If the campaign visibility is set to All users or Public, open the Change dropdown and select Private in order to hide the guide for all users.
Click Campaigns in the left sidebar to go to your campaigns.
Click the New campaign button. A pop-up will open.
Enter a name for the new campaign in the Name field.
Choose a color for the campaign thumbnail by entering a hex color code in the Color field.
(Optional) Click the Choose image button to set up a cover image for the campaign. Use the Compact View to search or filter for the image you want to add. Hover over the thumbnail, tick the
button and click Add media.
Click Create campaign to create the new campaign.
You can change the name, cover color or image of a campaign. Follow the steps below.
It is not possible to move documents from one campaign to another.
When you assign a template to a campaign, all documents based on this template will be automatically available under that campaign.
Click Templates in the left sidebar.
Hover over the template you want to assign to a campaign.
Click the
icon and click Edit template.
Open the Campaign dropdown and select the campaign you want to assign the template to.
Click Save changes to save the changes.
Click Templates in the left sidebar.
Hover over the template you want to change the campaign of.
Click the
icon and click Edit template.
Open the Campaign dropdown and select the campaign you want to assign the template to.
Click Save changes to save the changes.
When you assign a template to another campaign, the documents that have already been created under the previous campaign do not move to the new campaign.
Click Campaigns in the left sidebar.
Hover over the campaign you want to set up or change the campaign cover for.
Click the
icon and click Campaign details.
Click the Add image or Change button to set up a (new) cover image for the campaign. Click Choose from assets to add an image from the Asset Bank using the Compact View or click Upload image to upload an image from your device.
Hover over the thumbnail, tick the
button and click Add media.
Click Save changes to save the campaign cover.
When you no longer want to actively use a campaign you can archive it. This way, you can keep the existing material but prevent new material from being created.
All the existing templates and documents that are assigned to the campaign will remain available. At the same time, portal administrators can't assign (new) templates to archived campaigns and end users won't be able to create documents that are assigned to an archived campaign.
When you unarchive a campaign the campaign will become active again. This means that portal administrators can assign (new) templates to this campaign and users will be able to create new documents that are assigned to this campaign.
When you want to delete a campaign you first have to archive it. All the templates and documents that belong to the campaign will be permanently removed as well. Follow the steps below to delete a campaign
Only archived campaigns can be deleted.
All the templates and documents assigned to the campaign will be deleted as well.
Click Campaigns in the left sidebar.
Hover over the campaign you want to delete.
Click the
icon and click Delete campaign.
Read the warning message carefully and tick the confirmation box if you wish to permanently remove the campaign.
Click Delete campaign to permanently remove the campaign.
This action is permanent and cannot be undone.