Approve and modify Brand Template documents

Martijn Steur
Martijn Steur
  • Updated

In the My tasks section of Digital Brand Templates you can find your documents that require changes before they can be approved. When you're an approver you will see documents created by other users that are awaiting your approval. Below each thumbnail you can find the status of the document.


Use the campaign, channel, status and created by filters available in the topbar to find the template you're looking for.

Select your situation below:

I am an approver and need to approve a document

When a document is pending approval, you will receive an email notification. The document will also be available under My tasks. Follow the steps below to audit a document.

  1. Click the Add your review button in the email and check whether the document can be approved. Alternatively, you can go to the Digital Brand Templates section of your portal and click My tasksin the left sidebar. Search the document you want to review and click its thumbnail.

  2. If changes are necessary, click the In review dropdown and set the status to Needs changes. The user who created the document will receive an email notification that changes are necessary.

  3. To approve the document, click the In review dropdown and set the status to Approved. Once a template has been approved, it can no longer be modified by the creator.


    It could be possible that a document has already been audited when you want to review it. The document has then been audited by one of the other approvers.


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I am a creator and my document needs changes

When a document is not approved and needs changes, you will receive an email notification. The document will also be available under My tasks. Follow the steps below to make changes to your document.

  1. Click the View document button in the email you received. Alternatively, you can go to the Digital Brand Templates section of your portal, click My tasks in the left sidebar and open the document which needs changes.

  2. Make the necessary changes in the document editor.

  3. Resend it for approval by clicking the Request approval. Once approved or when additional changes are necessary you will receive a new email notification. Contact the approver(s) if you have any questions about why your document was not approved.


    Once a template has been approved, you can no longer modify it.


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