Stibo Integration

Martijn Steur
Martijn Steur
  • Updated

Stibo Systems is the global leader in multidomain Master Data Management (MDM) and PIM (Product Information Management) solutions.

Would you like your product information that is stored in Stibo to become available in Bynder as well? Save yourself the time of having to enter your product information twice and sync this data by using the Stibo Connector.

Tell me More About the Stibo Connector

With the Stibo Connector you can synchronize product information from Stibo with Bynder and save yourself and other uploaders a significant amount of time. When uploading assets to Bynder you'll no longer need to manually re-enter the product information. Instead you'll use the appropriate metaproperty to tag the assets with a unique product identifier. The connector will use this identifier to verify whether the product is already available in Stibo.

Once a product has been verified, the Bynder asset will be enriched with product information from Stibo. You can configure which Stibo product attributes you want to use for this enrichment process. To avoid any discrepancies in the product information an approval process has been put in place, which allows you and other content managers to approve the imported product information in Bynder.

Once the product information has been approved, the Bynder asset will be synced with the product in Stibo. From this moment on the product data will be continuously synced between Stibo and Bynder. When you update the synced product information in Stibo it will be automatically updated in Bynder and vice versa.

In the Asset Detail View you'll find an asset synchronization log which shows whether the product verification and synchronization process with Stibo was successful. In case something went wrong, for example when a product can't be verified, you can use this log to further troubleshoot and fix any issues.

In addition to the synchronization log you'll find a Bynder activity report in the Asset Bank. This CSV report shows all the interactions between Stibo and Bynder for a specific period of time. The name that will be used for the report and at what moment of the day the report should be generated can be configured.


Example of asset synchronization log


Example of activity report

How to Enable and Configure the Stibo Connector?

In order to make use of the Stibo Connector you need to have access to a Stibo Systems Enterprise Platform (STEP) and a Bynder portal. Contact your Customer Success Manager if you're interested in the Stibo Connector. We'll be happy to further assist you.

How to Sync Bynder Assets with Stibo?

You can sync an image asset of your portal by following the product verification process below. In the steps below we'll use naming for fields and attributes that correspond with a default setup. The naming may vary (slightly) on your side. See this table for an overview of all the asset statuses that are part of the default setup. Contact your Portal Administrator if you have questions about your particular setup.

  1. Open your Stibo STEPworkbench.

  2. Make sure the product you want the image to be added to is available in Stibo and has been set up with a unique product identifier. We'll use the Product ID attribute in the steps below.


    Depending on your setup you may have to use another unique product identifier. Contact your Portal Administrator for more information.

  3. (Optional) Enrich your product information in Stibo with a brand name and product description by entering this information in the Brand Name and Product Description attributes. Depending on your setup you may need to enrich other attributes as well.

  4. Upload the image(s) to your Bynder portal. In this batch we recommend to only upload assets that should be synced with Stibo. Avoid uploading assets for other purposes at the same time.

  5. Enter the Product ID of the product you want to sync the image with in the Product ID metaproperty field.

    In case the same Product ID applies to all assets in the upload screen you can enter the value in the Product ID field in the left sidebar. This will tag all assets with this value.

    If the assets belong to different Product IDs click the eye-icon.png button next to the Product ID field in the left sidebar. This will display the Product ID field below each thumbnail. Enter the appropriate Product ID below each thumbnail.

  6. Tag the asset(s) with any other required metaproperties.

  7. Click the Product Asset Status field in the left sidebar and select the New Product Image option.

The connector will now try to find the unique product(s) in Stibo using the Product ID(s) you entered in the upload screen. When all the products are found the data that's available in Stibo will be sent to Bynder. This includes all the Stibo product attributes that are configured to enrich Bynder with Stibo product information.

If everything went successfully the Product Asset Status of that asset will change to Product Verified. You can now continue to step 7.

If something went wrong, one of the below statuses will appear. Click a status below for more information and troubleshooting steps.

Not Enriched

When the Product Asset Status of a Bynder asset is Not Enriched this means that not all the Stibo product attributes, which are configured to enrich Bynder with Stibo product information, contained data in Stibo. Follow the steps below to solve it.

  1. Go to your asset with the status Not Enriched in Bynder and check the Asset Synchronization Log metaproperty field for any useful information for why the enrichment failed.

  2. Go to your Stibo environment.

  3. Use the information from the Asset Synchronization Log to fix the issue. Alternatively, you can check which of the product attributes that are configured to enrich Bynder with Stibo product information don't contain data. Enter data in the empty product attributes.

  4. Go back to your Bynder asset with the product asset status Not Enriched.

  5. Open the Edit tab and click the the Product Asset Status metaproperty.

  6. Select Retry Product Verification.

  7. Click Save to save the changes.

The connector will now try retrieving the missing product attributes again. If successful, the asset will be tagged with this information and the asset status will change to Product Verified. You can now continue to step 7.

Not Verified

When a product can't be found in Stibo or when multiple products with the same Product ID are found in Stibo the status of the Bynder asset will be set to Product Not Verified. Follow the steps below to solve it.

  1. Go to your asset with the status Not Verified in Bynder and check the Asset Synchronization Log metaproperty field for any useful information for why the product verification failed.

  2. Go to your Stibo environment.

  3. Use the information from the Asset Synchronization Log to fix the issue.

  4. Go back to your Bynder asset with the product asset status Not Verified.

  5. Open the Edit tab and click the the Product Asset Status metaproperty.

  6. Select Retry Product Verification.

  7. Click Save to save the changes.

The connector will now try verifying the product again. If successful, the asset will be tagged with the product information from Stibo and the asset status will change to Product Verified. You can now continue to step 7.

  1. Open the uploaded asset with the Product Verified status and check whether all the product information the asset is enriched with is correct. If necessary, add any missing information or modify existing information in the Edit tab.


    It may take a while before all the product information is available in the Asset Detail View. Wait a few minutes and refresh the page if you don't see the information right away.

  2. Make sure you're in the Edit tab and click the Product Asset Status metaproperty.

  3. Select the Approved - For PIM option and click Save to create a digital asset in Stibo.

The connector will now create a digital asset under the product in Stibo. The ID of the Stibo product this digital asset belongs to will be displayed in the PIM - Product Id metapropety field. The digital asset in Stibo will also get a unique ID. This ID is displayed in the PIM - Asset Id metaproperty field.

The connector will write the ID of the Bynder asset to Stibo. This ID will be available in the Asset Identifier attribute under the newly created digital asset.


You may have to collapse and expand the (sub)tree in Stibo to see the updates.

If the synchronization was successful the Product Asset Status of the asset will change to Approved & Sync'd to PIM and the Asset Synchronization Log field will be updated.

If the synchronization wasn't successful the Product Asset Status of the asset will change to Sync to PIM Failed . Check the What to Do When the Synchronization to Stibo Failed? section for troubleshooting steps.

  1. (Optional) Repeat the steps 7-9 to sync any other assets that you uploaded in step 3.

What to Do When the Synchronization to Stibo Failed?
  1. Open the asset in Bynder for which the sync failed.

  2. Check the Asset Synchronization Log field for more information to identify why the sync failed.

  3. Fix the error based on this information.

  4. Go to the Edit tab in the Asset Detail View and click the Product Asset Status metaproperty.

  5. Select the Retry Sync to PIM option and click Save to restart the synchronization.

Contact your Portal Administrator or IT department if the issue persists.

Working with Asset Statuses in the Stibo Connector

Below you'll find an overview of the asset statuses that are part of the default Stibo Connector setup. This may vary from your custom setup.


Status in Bynder

Status Trigger

Status Set By


New Product Image

A user has uploaded a new asset to the DAM.



Product Not Verified

The product is NOT verified in Stibo.



Retry Product Verification

The product verification issue has been solved and the product needs to be verified in Stibo again.



Asset Not Enriched

The product is verified in Stibo, but the asset is NOT enriched with product data.



Product Verified

The product is verified in Stibo and the asset is enriched with product data.



Approved - For PIM

The enriched asset has been approved in Bynder and can be synced with Stibo.



Approved - Do Not Sync To PIM

The asset has been approved and doesn't need to be synced with Stibo.



Approved And Synced To PIM

The asset has been successfully synced with Stibo.



Sync To PIM Failed

The asset synchronization with Stibo failed.



Retry to PIM

The asset synchronization issue has been solved and the asset can be synced.



To Be Deleted

The user indicates that the asset can be removed from Bynder.


How to Update Assets Synced With Stibo?

The Stibo Connector allows you to update the product information that is synced between Stibo and Bynder both ways. This means you can update the product information in both Bynder and Stibo. The synchronization process takes place continuously and doesn't need to be triggered manually after a modification has been made.


Did you update the synced product information in Stibo?

  • You may have to right click the product you updated in Stibo and click Approve Recursively in order for the update to become visible in Bynder.

  • You may have to refresh the asset detail view in Bynder in order to see the update.

How to Delete Assets Synced With Stibo?

When your assets are approved and synced with Stibo you can't remove them from Bynder directly. In that case your Stibo environment would still indicate that the asset is available in Bynder. Instead we want to communicate to Stibo that the asset is going to be removed from Bynder before we remove it.


  1. Open the asset in your Bynder portal that is synced with Stibo and needs to be removed.

  2. Open the Edit tab and click the Product Asset Status metaproperty.

  3. Select the To Be Deleted option and click Save to save the changes.

  4. Go back to the asset overview screen, select the asset and click the delete_VBS.png button to remove it.

How to Download the Activity Report?

The activity report shows all the interactions between Stibo and Bynder for a specific period of time. The Report Period - Begin and Report Period - End fields in the Info tab of the Asset Detail view specify for which period of time logged activity can be found in the report.

  1. Go to the asset directly or use the available search and/or filters to locate the asset.

  2. Click the Download all files button to download the CSV report.


Contact your Portal Administrator if can't find the Activity Report or if you have any questions about the data inside.

Stibo Connector FAQ

Why is my product asset status set to 'not enriched'?

This is generally caused by missing product information in Stibo. Check whether all the Stibo product attributes, which are configured to enrich Bynder with product information from Stibo, contain data. Click here for troubleshoot steps.

Why is my product asset status set to 'not verified'?

When a product can't be found in Stibo or when multiple products with the same unique product identifier are found in Stibo the status of the Bynder asset will be set to Product Not Verified. The Product ID attribute is used as the unique product identifier in a default setup. Click here for troubleshoot steps.

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