Bynder Brand Portal launch best practices

We recommend launching your portal in two phases “soft launch” and “hard launch”. Soft launch includes a select group of heavy users. During this phase, users can provide feedback to ensure any minor adjustments can be made to the system before the hard launch. Hard launch incorporates all users of the system across the organization. Depending upon the number of users, best practice may include a phased rollout to certain regions or business units. While minor changes to the system can be made after the hard launch, it’s recommended to make these changes during the soft launch phase. A user's first experience often sets the stage for overall user engagement, and major changes to the system after their first experience may act as a deterrence and negatively impact user engagement.

Phase 1: Soft Launch

What should be the outcome of Soft Launch?

  • Documented user feedback

  • A plan for applying in-scope configuration changes

  • Identification of scope configuration changes and change requests

  • A plan for hard launch

When should a soft launch happen?

  • The majority of the implementation tasks have been completed

  • Your team feels the system is ready for new users to use the system and provide feedback

  • Recommended 1-2 months before hard launch

  • Users need enough time to use the system and provide feedback.

  • The implementation team needs time to make necessary changes or improvements to the system based on feedback.

Who should be part of the soft launch?

  • Select heavy users, particularly those who will be uploading assets or accessing the portal on a frequent basis.

  • Consider including other “Light,” “Regular,” or “External” user profiles along with users from different groups of the organization, regions, or business units. This will ensure that all use cases are accounted for during the soft launch.

How should soft launch be communicated?

  • Most communication is recommended via e-mail.

  • It is recommended that these emails should come from the business lead on the project. This will ensure the person is prepared to answer incoming questions about the system launch.

  • Other ways to communicate launch can be via company meetings, company intranet or company “news” emails

Recommended communication plan

Introductory Email #1

  • Send one week before users are invited to the system

  • Communicate the following:

    • They have been selected to test a new system

    • Context as to why your organization is rolling out the system

    • When they can expect to receive their log in and additional information

Official Soft Launch Email #2:

  • Send the day/week of the soft launch

  • Log-in information, if applicable

  • List of actions for users to complete to provide feedback

  • They should be providing feedback via an email or via a survey

  • Deadline as to when they should provide feedback by

  • User training guide, if applicable

Other Tips:

  • Depending upon contracted training hours, set up an initial training session before users are asked to log in to use the system for the first time.

  • After users have tested the system, setting up a focus group is often a very productive means to gather the most valuable feedback.

Phase 2: Hard Launch

When should a hard launch happen?

The hard launch should happen when the soft launch is complete. This means all soft launch users have provided feedback, and the implementation team has made necessary updates to the system.

Note that the portal should be as finalized as possible before the hard launch to ensure the ideal user experience for first-time users. It is imperative that any major changes made to the portal after hard launch are communicated appropriately as to avoid a negative impact on user engagement.

Who should be part of the hard launch?

Generally, all system users should be included in the hard launch. However, a very large user base may warrant a phased launch approach to certain regions or business units.

How should hard launch be communicated?

  • Communication via email is the recommended best practice

  • It is recommended that the official “launch” emails should come from the business lead on the project. This will ensure the person is prepared to answer incoming questions about the system launch.

  • Other ways to communicate launch can be via company meetings, company intranet, or company “news” emails

  • Setting expectations is imperative for a successful launch. Be sure to communicate to users appropriately before the launch to avoid any user confusion or concerns during the launch.

Recommended communication plan:

  • Targeted, very specific communications to each user group of the portal:

  • Introductory Email #1:

    • This email should be sent about 1 month to 2 weeks prior to hard launch.

    • Provide a high-level overview of why your organization is rolling out the system and how it will impact day-to-day work

  • FAQ Email #2 - this email should be sent about 1-2 weeks after the Introductory Email and provide an FAQ tailored to your business use case.

  • Official Launch Email #3—Send this email the day/week of the official launch. This email should instruct users on how to log in, include user training guides (if applicable), mention any upcoming training sessions, and provide information on how to contact support.


Depending on contracted training hours, be sure scheduled training times are communicated to users during launch. Training should be tailored to the specific user group.


Users must be informed of how to seek support when needed. Include the following in all email communications:

  • The new business process working with the Brand Portal: Business Lead

  • Basic user questions about functionality: Business Lead and Bynder Customer Success Manager

  • Technical questions for system issues or bugs: Bynder Support or Bynder Knowledge Base.

What next

  1. Help users learn Bynder. Add tutorials to their portal or utilize quick-links and news articles to provide your end-users with tools that best help them learn Bynder.

  2. Check out the admin overview to learn more about how you can train your end users. 


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