Visibility Settings for Asset Workflow Campaigns and Jobs

As your Asset Workflow configuration becomes more complex, it's important to have a clear understanding of what Workflow administrators and end users can view and do within it. Campaigns and jobs are distinct components in Asset Workflow, each with its own level of visibility and permissions. Discover below how you can establish and adjust the visibility settings for your Asset Workflow campaigns.

Discover all of the Asset Workflow permissions here.

Access to Campaigns

Asset workflow campaigns are like categories on a high level and comparable with different types of projects. Find out below who has access to the campaigns in your portal, or read more about campaigns here.

Specific Campaigns Only

By default, users can only see and access the campaign in the following situations:

  • Involvement

    This means that your users have to participate in a job linked to a campaign to see and access the corresponding campaign tile on the Campaign Overview screen. They will only see the job(s) they participate in and not the other jobs that fall under the visible campaign(s)

    Users participate in a job when they are accountable for the job, stage responsible, responsible for a task, or when they are tagged in the job.

  • Campaign Preset Visibility

    Asset Workflow campaign can be set up to always show on the overview screen for the enabled permission profiles and user groups. The users in those user group(s) or permission profile(s) will see all the campaigns based on that campaign preset. Read more about campaign presets here.


    Users can only see and access the jobs that fall under the visible campaign(s) when they are involved in the job itself.

All Campaigns

Users with one of the permissions mentioned above enabled for their permission profile can view and access all campaigns. When they go to the Asset Workflow overview screen, they will see all the available campaign tiles and can access them individually.

This does not automatically mean that they will be able to see and access all the jobs belonging to the campaign(s) they can access. Check out the section below to set up the visibility for Asset Workflow jobs. `

Access to Jobs

Asset Workflow jobs belong to a campaign and follow a predefined number of stages to help users complete a task. You can find out below who can access the jobs in your portal, and read more about jobs here.

Specific Jobs Only

By default, users can only see and access the jobs they participate in. Users participate in a job when they are accountable for it, stage responsible, responsible for a task, or tagged in it.

All Jobs

Users with one of the permissions mentioned above enabled for their permission profile can view and access all the jobs of the campaigns they have access to. If they do not have access to a campaign, they cannot view and access the jobs that belong to it.

If a user has the view jobs permissions, creates a job, and uploads an asset, they can view the asset regardless of whether they were 'involved' in the job in another way.

Setting Up the Right Permissions for Asset Workflow Campaigns and Jobs

Once you know how the visibility of Asset Workflow campaigns and jobs works, you can set up your permission profiles accordingly.

Do you want to know how to manage permission profiles? Check Permission Management for more information.

Full Control

When you are the portal's main administrator, you want full control over the Asset Workflow. This permission is generally enabled for administrator profiles so that every administrator has full control and access to Asset Workflow.

View All Campaigns and All Jobs

In general, your content managers in Asset Workflow who oversee one or more campaigns and actively participate in jobs do not need full Asset Workflow control. By enabling the above-mentioned permissions for their permission profile(s), you can still enable them to view and access all campaigns and jobs without giving away too much control.

Other Permissions

Besides the visibility permissions for campaigns and jobs, Asset Workflow has many more permissions that allow you to fine-tune what your users can or cannot do. Check out the other available Asset Workflow permissions here.


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