Do you want to add your Bynder image assets to content in Crownpeak? Keep Bynder as the single source of truth and save yourself the time of having to upload your images twice. With the Crownpeak CMS connector you can drag and drop your Bynder images right into your Crownpeak content without having to worry about whether you're images are up to date and align with your brand identity.
Follow these instructions to enable and configure the connector. Once the connector has been configured you can start adding Bynder images to your Crownpeak content.
The connector requires a valid Crownpeak DXM subscription.
Go to the Crownpeak content page where you want to add a Bynder image asset.
Click the Advanced tab in the Blocks sidebar.
Enter Bynder in the search bar located at the top of the sidebar. The Bynder image element will appear under the Integrations section.
Drag and drop the Bynder image block to your content page.
Click the Insert image here text of the block you just added. The Compact View will open.
Enter the URL of your Bynder portal and click Sign in. Log in to the portal in the usual way.
Filter and search for the asset you want to add, select it and click the Add media button to add it to your content.
Click the image block if you want to replace the image.
(Optional) Repeat the above steps if you want to add other images to your Crownpeak content.
The connector only supports adding image assets. Other file formats such as audio and video assets are not supported.
Please contact Crownpeak for additional information