Manage Permissions to Download Assets

Martijn Steur
Martijn Steur
  • Updated

Typically, users are allowed to download media files. However, you may choose to restrict this right to original files or assets that have been archived or watermarked. In such cases, only selected users will have the right to download these files. When users do not have the right to download certain assets, they will see a button on the Asset detail page that says "Available upon request". They will then need to request permission to download the file and provide a reason for their request.

The request is then displayed in the notification center and the approver's Waiting Room.

How to Enable Access to Download Assets 

  1. Navigate to settings_menu.pngSettings > Users & rights > Permission Management.

    • If you want users to be able to download original files and derivatives, enable the Download original assets right. Users who do not have this right will only be able to download derivatives and will not be able to download any originals ( including the originals of documents, audio, and video files). We recommend not granting this right to light users.


      • If users do not have the Download original assets right enabled, they cannot see previews of documents.

      • If you want users to be able to download the originals of specific files (for example, only audio files), we can help you set this up. Contact your Customer Success Manager and provide the extensions for which you want to be exempted.

    • If you want users to be able to download archived assets, enable the Download archived assets right.


      If you enable this right, you need to enable View archived assets right so that users can see the assets.

    • If you want your users to be able to download non-public derivatives but not originals, enable the Download non-public asset derivatives right.


      If you want users to be able to download public derivatives, select Download public asset derivatives.

    • If you want users to be able to download the assets marked as Limited Usage, enable the Download limited usage assets right.


      If you enable this right, you must also enable the View limited usage assets.

    • If you want users to be able to download watermarked assets, enable the download directly.
