When you upload a file with a transparent background (for example, a PNG, EPS, PSD, GIF, TIFF*) the thumbnail of that file will by default have a checkered background. However, you can make the background of the thumbnail transparent and blended with the background color of the environment.
Transparent thumbnails for TIFF files are not supported when:
The file includes transparent clipping paths, which often occurs when the TIFF file is saved in Adobe Photoshop.
The TIFF file contains more than one alpha channel or a custom alpha channel.
The ExtraSamples metadata field of the TIFF file can only have one of the following two values:
associated alpha
unassociated alpha
The value Unspecified is not supported.
Contact your Customer Success Manager and indicate which file extensions should have transparent thumbnails and which ones should not.
Transparent thumbnails can only be enabled for file extensions that support transparency. For example: png and tif.