How To Upload Assets Via Mass Uploader

Martijn Steur
Martijn Steur
  • Updated


If you have a large batch of assets you want to upload to your Asset Bank, you can use the Mass Uploader. Your files must be accompanied by a CSV file listing your metaproperties and their values, which will then automatically populate the metaproperties and tags. Depending on your settings, new metaproperty options can also be created automatically.

If derivatives are enabled for your portal, the Mass Uploader will create them upon upload.

If you want to upload new versions to existing assets in batches, use the Mass Version Updater.

Before Using the Mass Uploader

Before you begin, please map the metaproperty and metaproperty options to the corresponding columns in your CSV file. Once the mapping is in place, you can prepare your CSV file and upload it to your files.

  • The Mass Uploader does not consider the required fields and dependencies. Even if the CSV file contains only some of the required metaproperties and fields, it will still be uploaded.
  • Additionally, the Mass Uploader can extract EXIF/XMP/IPTC information. If the metaproperties in the CSV file contain values, they take precedence; however, if the values are missing, then the EXIF/XMP/IPTC information is retrieved.

How to Create CSV File

The CSV file needs to contain several required fields. You can optionally add columns to upload your metaproperty and metaproperty options. Follow the steps below to set up your CSV file.

  1. Enter the filename in the first row of column B. This column will link your CSV file data to the corresponding files.
    • The filename needs to be unique. Otherwise, the mass uploader will not validate
  2. Please include the exact extension in the filename. Extensions are case-sensitive, so JPG and .jpg will not match.
  3. Enter a name in the first row of column C, where you can later enter the names you want to assign to the assets.
  4. Enter tags in the first row of column D. In this column, you can enter the tags you want to add to the assets.
  5. Enter a description in the first row of column E. You can enter the descriptions you want to add to the assets in this column.
  6. (Optional) Columns F-XFD can be used for your custom metaproperties. Enter the names of the metaproperties in the first row of the designated column.
  7. List all the file names in column B, including the file extension.
    • (Optional) In each row of column A, enter the ID of the brand you want to tag the asset with.
      • To get your Brand ID, go to Settings > Taxonomy > Brands and click on the brand.
      • Copy the ID from the URL in the address bar of your browser.
  8. In column C's rows, enter the names of the files you want to have within Bynder.
  9. In the rows of column D, enter the tags you want the assets to have.
    • The system will create tags that do not exist. Use commas to separate tags.
  10. In the rows of column E, enter the descriptions for your assets.
  11. In the rows of column F-XFD, enter the labels of the metaproperty options you want to tag the assets with. You can assign multiple metaproperty options of the same metaproperty by separating them with a comma.
    • Depending on your portal configuration, if a metaproperty option includes a comma, a new metaproperty option will be added, or the asset will fail to upload.
  12. Save your file as a semicolon-separated CSV file in UTF-8 encoding. Download a CSV example file here.
    • Please see here if your file is not saved as a semi-colon-separated document.

Important Information For Labeling Your CSV File

  • Do not use trailing spaces. Ensure all trailing whitespace is removed from your CSV file before submitting it.
  • Use the metaproperty option labels in your CSV file and not the metaproperty option names
  • Using diacritics (ë, ç, û, etc.) in filenames could cause issues when reading them .csv while uploading using the mass uploader. This is caused by the many ways these characters can be composed using Unicode.
    • 'Normalize' the filenames and use the Latin alphabet without the diacritics. Thålin.jpg > Thalin.jpg. The diacritics can still be used for titles.

How to Use the Mass Uploader

Once your CSV file is prepared and metaproperty mapping is complete, you can start batch-uploading your files.

  1. Make sure your CSV file includes at least one asset's data.
  2. Click your name in the top right corner of the screen and click Mass Uploader.
  3. Drag and drop your CSV file to the left sidebar or click Add Files to upload your CSV file.
  4. If your CSV file is processed correctly, you will see the message "Your CSV file was successfully parsed." If not, read the error message, adjust your CSV file, and submit it again.
  5. You can drag and drop your files to the left sidebar or click Add Files. They will automatically start uploading and tagging with the metadata from the CSV file.
  6. Once a file is uploaded correctly, the status will change to Successful.
  7. After successfully uploading, you can directly click on a file name that links to that asset.


  • You can't mark assets as limited usage, archived, downloadable, or public or add a watermark to them using the Mass Uploader.
  • If a derivative is configured with a regex, the uploaded asset's filename must begin with that specified regex for the derivative to be created via the Mass Uploader. The normal uploader does not have this requirement.
  • The Mass Uploader doesn't generate automated tags.
  • The Mass Uploader won't index the content of digitized documents, such as PDF and Word documents. This means that when you enter their content in the search bar, these documents won't be returned as a search result.
  • The Mass Uploader is not meant to update metadata such as filenames.
  • If using Derivatives the asset filename must start with the specified regex for the derivative to be created.

For Customers Using Brand (Legacy)

  1. (Optional) If you're still using the old discontinued Brands structure, enter Brand in the first row of column A
    • How do I find out whether I'm using the old Brand structure?
      1. Go to Settings > Taxonomy > Brands and check the number of brands listed. If you have more than one brand set up, you are using the old brand structure. If only one brand is listed, remove the Brand column from your CSV file.
      2. Remove the complete column if only one Brand has been set up for the portal. Since our legacy brand structure is discontinued, this column can be excluded for only some portals.



Why is my CSV file not saving as a semicolon-separated CSV file?
Some software, by default, saves your spreadsheets as comma-delimited files. Follow the alternative instructions below to make a semicolon-separated CSV file. To fix this do a find and replace of all commas to semicolons.

How many files can I upload at once with the Mass Uploader?

Please batch in increments of no more than 500.

Does the Mass Uploader consider the required fields that are set up for my portal?

The Mass Uploader does not consider the required fields for your portal. It will still be uploaded even if the CSV file contains only some of the required metaproperties and fields.

Does the Mass Uploader take into account the dependencies that are set up for my portal?
The Mass Uploader does not take into account dependencies. Files with metaproperties requiring a dependency during the normal upload process will still be uploaded even if this dependency is not filled in.

Do I need to include the 'Brand' column in my CSV file?
If you're still using the legacy Brands structure, you can Remove the Brand column from your CSV file if only one brand is listed.
Why is the Mass Uploader not responding when uploading my CSV file?
Make sure your CSV file includes at least one asset's data. If only the columns in the first row of the CSV file are available with another row with actual asset data, the Mass Uploader will respond.

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