Prepare a PSD or Sketch File for Import into Studio

By preparing your PSD or Sketch file beforehand, you can reduce the effort needed to tweak designs in Studio. You can upload nearly any PSD or Sketch file to Studio, provided it's under 500 MB.

After generating a design in Studio from the source file, you can adjust it by moving elements or adding/removing layers. If any elements are misplaced during the upload, you can correct them directly in Studio.

Ensure the fonts used are available in Bynder. Learn more about Upload Custom Fonts in Studio

Think of the Design as a Template

The first and most important step is to think of your design as a template. Consider which parts of the design should be changeable and which should remain static for Studio users.

Go Over the Design Layer by Layer

When the file is uploaded, Studio will recreate all layers from the source file. To make the design easy to manage and use in Studio, follow these tips:

  • Editable vs. Static Layers: Decide which layers should be editable and which should be static. Lock layers that should remain static.


Layers can be locked or unlocked in Studio after upload.

  • Simplify the Design: Use as few layers as possible. Remove unnecessary layers that serve only as pointers or instructions.
  • Combine Static Elements: Combine static layers where possible. For example, merge a static background consisting of three images into one image.
    1. In Photoshop, select the layers, right-click, and choose Convert to Smart Object.Image1.png
    2. In Sketch, select the elements, then choose Layer > Flatten Selection to Bitmap.Image2.png
  • Layer Management: Text layers, images, and vectors from the source file will be converted into the same types in Studio. Hidden layers will remain hidden but should only be used if they will be useful in the template.
  • Layer Groups and Masks: The upload will include layer groups and most masking methods. It is recommended that you use layer masks.
  • Blend Modes: If Studio supports the blend mode applied in the source file, it will be transferred over in the upload.
  • Text Layers: Define boundaries for text boxes and decide on text styles and colors. Studio converts text into one style per box, so multiple styles or colors need to be recreated in Studio.

Files with Multiple Artboards

If you are on the advanced Studio plan, you can upload multi-artboard PSD or Sketch files, where artboards are included in different sizes/pages in the same design. For basic plan users, Studio will create a separate design for each artboard.

How to Link Elements 

  1. Name layers the same across different artboards to link them.Image3.png
  2. Do not use Photoshop's linked layers feature, as it disrupts the upload.
  3. The default artboard will be the last one on the layers tab.Image5.png
  4. Be Mindful of Linked Elements
  5. Do not link different types of elements (e.g., image to text box).
  6. Linked text boxes should have the same content.
  7. Linked images will change to be the same after upload.
  8. Font size in linked text boxes can vary between half and twice the size of the default artboard font size.

Photoshop-Specific Rules

  • The PSD should be in RGB color space.
  • Studio supports files with and without artboards.
  • Studio supports both point text and paragraph text.
    • Use paragraph text for accurate bounding box definition.
    • Select the text layer > Convert to Paragraph Text.Image6.png
  • Disable layer effects, except drop shadows as Studio does not support this feature.
  • Assume layers with the same name must be linked in Studio.

Sketch-Specific Rules

  • Studio does not support multiple pages but supports multiple artboards.
  • Studio supports both auto width/height and fixed-size alignment.
    • Use fixed-size alignment for accurate bounding box definition.Image7.png


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