Save time by creating taxonomy automations that trigger an asset to be unarchived, watermark removed, or unmark an asset as limited usage.
Who can manage taxonomy automations?
Users with the following permissions can create, manage, and delete taxonomy automation:
How to Automatically Unarchive, Remove Watermark, Remove Limited Usage on an Asset
Navigate to your Portal >
Settings > Taxonomy > Metaproperties management and click Configuration in the left sidebar.
Click the metaproperty option, which, when selected, should automatically unarchive the asset, remove the watermark, or remove the limited usage.
Open the Select an option dropdown, which is next to the metaproperty you clicked in step 2 to set up the condition(s). Select the metaproperty option(s) that, when selected, should unarchive the asset, remove the watermark, or remove the limited usage.
Open the dropdown in the Then section and select one of the following options:
Remove the watermark from assets
This automation option will remove the watermark from the asset.
Unmark assets as archived
This automation option will unarchive the asset.
Unmark assets as limited usage
This automation option will unmark the asset as limited usage.
Click the Create Automation button to create your automation.