Reorder Metaproperties and Metaproperty Options

Sara Anthony
Sara Anthony
  • Updated

In the Configuration section of Metaproperty Management, you can sort and reorder your metaproperties. The higher the list, the higher the metaproperty will show in the portal's upload, edit, and other screens.

Who can manage metaproperties?

Users with the following rights can manage metaproperties:

How to Reorder Metaproperties

  1. Navigate to your Portal> settings-icon.pngSettings > Taxonomy >Metaproperties management and click Configuration in the left sidebar.

  2. Hover over the metaproperty for which you want to change the position.

  3. Click and hold sort_metaproperties.png next to the metaproperty and drag and drop it to the desired position in the list.

How to Reorder Metaproperty Options

You can sort your metaproperty options in the Configuration section of Metaproperty Management.

  1. Navigate to your Portal> settings-icon.pngSettings > Taxonomy> Metaproperties management and click Configuration in the left sidebar.

  2. Click the metaproperty with the options that you’d like to sort.

  3. Select Settings in the right sidebar and click configure-users_pencil.png next to Options sorting.

  4. By default, the options will be ordered Alphabetically. Click the dropdown under Sorting and select Custom.



    You can use Custom sort for Metaproperties with up to 150 options.

  5. Click and hold sort_metaproperties.png next to the metaproperty then drag and drop it to the desired position in the list.

  6. Alternatively, click up_and_down_arrow.pngto move the metaproperty option to the top of the list or the (bottom icon) to move it to the end.

  7. The sort order will automatically save. Click X when you are finished.
