Create and Manage Projects in Studio

Projects in Studio help you organize your designs and enhance navigation. You can create a design within a project directly or add it later. Learn more about sharing projects here. After creating a project, you can update the project cover.

Who can create a project in Studio?

  • All Studio users

Create a New Project 

  1. Navigate to Studio.
  2. Click the Projects section on the left-hand side
  3. On the right-hand side of the page, click New Project
  4. Name your project. 
  5. Once your project is created, you can either move an existing design to the project or create a new design and add it to an existing or new project.

Move an Existing Design to a New Project

  1. Navigate to Studio.
  2. Hover over the design you would like to move and click  Three dots.pngnext to the design. image01.png 
  3. A pop-up window will appear. Select from the dropdown menu to select the project you want to move the design to. image02.png
  4. Click Move.

Delete Project

  1. Navigate to Studio.
  2. Click Projects in the left sidebar.
  3. Navigate, search, or filter for the project you want to update.
  4. Click on the thumbnail of the project you’d like to delete.
  5. Select Delete.
  6. Review the information, then click Delete project.


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