View Collection and Collection Details

  • Updated

You can search for and view all your created, received, or shared Collections and Public Collections in the Collections tab of your Portal. 


See here to learn more about Permissions in the Asset Bank specific to Collections. 

Who can view a Collection?

View Collections in your Portal

  1. Navigate to your Portal.
  2. Select the Collections tab.
  3. You can search, filter, and view collections through the following options: My Collections, Collections Shared, Collections Received, and Published Online.Screenshot 2024-07-08 at 3.12.22 PM.png
  4. Depending on your Permission type, you can see the following details within a Collection:

View Collection Details

To view the details of a Collection, you must be logged into your Portal.

  1. Navigate to your Portal
  2. Select My Collections: Collections shared, Collections received, or Published online.
  3. Select the Collection you would like to view details of.
  4. On the left-hand side of the Collection Page, you can see the following (details may vary based on permissions): 


When I search for a Collection in the search bar, will it retrieve all the assets in my Collections? 

No, the search bar will allow you to search for the Collection name, not the assets in the Collection. You can use the search bar under the Assets tab to search for assets in your Asset Bank.