Invite Users to Content Workflow

Sara Anthony
Sara Anthony
  • Updated
You can invite as many users to your account as possible to collaborate in Content Workflow. Learn how to enable your Bynder users to access Content Workflow here. Manage your users and guests and their permissions in the People & Groups section. 

How to Invite Users to Content Workflow

  1. Before you add people to your Content Workflow account, their role should be created first, as you need to apply this when sending the invite.
  2. Navigate to Content Workflow.
  3. Select Screenshot 2024-01-25 at 2.39.18 PM.png in the upper right-hand corner.[CW] P&G.png
  4. Click Screenshot 2024-01-25 at 2.55.49 PM.png[CW Invite Users.png
  5. When the invited user modal pops up, fill the boxes with the appropriate information. [CW] Invite a new team member.png
  6. Those invited will receive an email with an invite link that expires after seven days.
  7. When users click the invite link, they will be asked to set a password and log in to their accounts.
  8. If the invite link expires, you can resend their invite in the People & Groups tab.


How do I know if a user accepted my invite?

You can see if a user is pending by navigating to the people & groups tab.

Screenshot 2024-03-11 at 11.45.20 AM.png

Do I need to send an invite to a user before I assign them to something?

Yes, you need to invite a user to your Content Workflow account before you can assign them. However, they do not need to accept the invite to be mentioned or assigned to workflows. 
Can I invite a non-Bynder user to collaborate on a Content Workflow project?
Yes, you can invite guests to collaborate on Content Workflow projects.