Import an Image Design in Studio

Sara Anthony
Sara Anthony
  • Updated

Importing an image design jumpstarts the creation process by allowing you to build upon an existing template or artwork. You can also import a Figma, Sketch or Photoshop (.PSD) file to save additional time in your Studio projects.

Who can import design files in Studio?

Users with the following rights can import design files into Studio:

How to Import an Image Design 

  1. Navigate to Studio.Image02.png
  2. Click + New design in the top right corner. Image01.png
  3. In the left-hand sidebar select Import design. Image03.png  
  4. Click Select Design file.
  5. There are three methods for importing a file.
  6. Once the asset has been selected click Create design.

Option A: An existing asset from your DAM

  1. Under the Global assets section click All documents.
  2. Navigate or search for the asset you want to select and click Add asset. Image04.png

Option B: A previously uploaded file from your Personal Uploads. 

    1. In the left-hand sidebar under Uploads click All uploads.Image05.png
  1. Filter and search for the asset you want to select and click Add asset.Image06.png

    Option C:  A new file from your desktop. 

      1. In the right-hand corner select Upload. Image06.png
      2. Select a file from your computer and click Upload.
      3. Click Add asset to convert the file to an image design.


Import a single artboard as a single design.

  • File will convert to an image design.

Import multiple artboards as a single multi-sized design.

  • The file will convert to an image design.
  • Click the Artboards dropdown and select Artboards to sizes.

    Import multiple artboards as multiple designs

  • The file will convert to an image design.

  • Click the Artboards dropdown and select Artboards to designs.

  • Click Create design.Image09.png


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